Beginner FAQ
Here's where most beginner questions can be answered. If you can't find the answer to your question here, try the troubleshooting page.
My firewall is blocking Muvizu, is it safe?
Yes, Muvizu is safe if you download it from the official download page and don't already have any virus on your computer.What do these extra things like DirectX and .net mean?
These are some of the building blocks that make Muvizu work. You need to have them installed so if you're not sure if you have them already, then tick the boxes during installation to let the installer check. More information can be found here.Getting Started
I have Muvizu installed and don't know what to do.
There are several options for learning how to use Muvizu. If you've never used anything like Muvizu before, you might want to try the official instruction manual. If you'd prefer the tutorials in video form, you might want to have a look at the basic training: 1. Introduction 2. Setting the Scene 3. Casting 4. DirectionIf you know exactly what you're looking for, you may want to try the wiki page which is a combination of both.
Licence Activation
How do I activate Muvizu?/There's nowhere to paste the code.
To activate Muvizu after you buy Muvizu:Play+ or one of the newer content packs, you must first copy your licence key. Go to your profile on the Muvizu Website, then click "My products" on the left side of the page. Click inside the text box which contains your licence key and press ctrl+A then ctrl+C to copy the entire code. This code is now stored in a place called the "clipboard". Now open Muvizu and go to File>Upgrade>Enter code. If you have an error code, click one of the following links with your error code for the solution: W0 W2 E2A word of warning: If you have a problem (such as E2) and keep trying to activate with the same code multiple times, your code will be locked for too many activations (Error W2) and you'll need to send in a support ticket.