Classic Star Trek Bridge

Classic Star Trek Bridge

by DigiFactor
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This is my update to the Muvizu 1701 star Trek Bridge, if your looking to make your Star Trek videos more like the Tv show then this update is the answer your looking for,(Note) this set requiers the Keyframe expantion pack which this set is held together by keyframes, without the Keyframe expantion you will get errors and it won't load!

sci fi, space sets, star trek, starc wars

Comments (5)

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  1. dltanner99
    • dltanner99 - Over a year ago
    • This is absolutely amazing! I would love to see the major sets from Star Trek TOS done in similar fashion. Well done!
  2. clayster2012 Muvizu mogul
  3. Thanapongxxx
    • Thanapongxxx - Over a year ago
  4. JanT
    • JanT - Over a year ago
    • Thank you :)
  5. dannybright
    • dannybright - 2 weeks ago
    • Clay, you are amazing sir. Thank you so much!.