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Home ? Importing Assets ? Can I turn off collision?

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19/07/2011 21:39:59

Posts: 62
Is there a way to turn off collision of objects so they can merge? I keep thinking there must be a way since Characters and objects can merge but I can't figure out how to do it with objects.
20/07/2011 08:36:49

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
Ken - I'm sure I know the answer to this - it's "no"

I have campaigned for it to be "yes". If you turn off "can be stood on" then I think they should be able to merge. Making it all logical and realistic should be down the the animator.

Can we please change the way it works, or have another tick box for "solid" or something which produces this behavior.

Having said that if you look at the "doorway" standard set you'll see that the lower levels of the buildings are tapered at the bottom, except they all look straight. If you move one you can see it's tapered and can never get it back to where it was as the tapers won't merge. So how was this ever done ? I suspect some jiggery pokery at Muvizu HQ as they also secretly need this feature as well.

Can someone at Muvizu enlighten me ? Have I missed something ?
20/07/2011 15:32:28

CrazyDaveMuvizu staff
Posts: 118
There's technical difficulties with the physics of interpenetrating objects: if you have them overlapping and then turn collision on then they have a tendency to go haywire. Also, much of our codebase makes the assumption that objects do not interpenetrate. It is a desirable feature however and we've not given up on it. I don't think that the problems are insurmountable in the long term.

" if you look at the "doorway" standard set you'll see that the lower levels of the buildings are tapered at the bottom, except they all look straight. If you move one you can see it's tapered and can never get it back to where it was as the tapers won't merge."

I've just had a look at this and while I'm not exactly sure what you mean, I suspect that it has been achieved simply by constructing the set in a specific order. Certainly there's never been a special "in-house" build that allows obejcts to interpenetrate!
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Home ? Importing Assets ? Can I turn off collision?