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Home ? Your Videos ? Paranormal inActivity my first attempt at Muvizu

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26/08/2011 07:27:04

DyllyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 555
Finally managed to upload my first movie. I used the Muvizu uploader doofah on the site and I think it can be found here

It's a little long winded and after all the faffing around I need some tips on the quality issues, so any tips guys are very welcome. What I did learn was
Write a script
Try to follow it
On the next film be more tidy when shooting in Muvizu to cut down on editing etc.

But I really enjoyed making this, thanks Muvizu!
26/08/2011 10:56:54

Posts: 582
Hey Dylly,

Welcome to Muvizu

We are glad that you enjoy working with our application.
Don't worry to much, practice makes perfect. You will notice that your videos will get better and better.

We also have one of the best communities out there, so if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask. I'm sure someone will give a nice hint or two

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Home ? Your Videos ? Paranormal inActivity my first attempt at Muvizu