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01/10/2011 19:04:05

Posts: 7
I took an existing set and added more objects and some characters and some action. I did not make a movie yet. I would like to add a scene at the beginning using the new set and characters. How do I start it new without the old timeline?
02/10/2011 10:01:30

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
If I understand you correctly bossofme, you have created some actions and now want to insert some more stuff before what you have already done ?

You can't do this - sure you could grab all your actions and move them along the timeline, but it's a bit painful.

A better way is, as long as this is not a continuous shot, save the set as something else and clear the timeline. Then create your new actions and make the clip. Then use the video joiner (other post productions tools are available) to stitch the two shots together.

After a bit of use of Muvizu you'll realise that keeping your sets down to one or two camera shots each and then stitching it together with something else will be the most productive.
edited by ukBerty on 02/10/2011
04/10/2011 01:07:41

Posts: 7
Thanks! I tried this and it worked just fine. I see what you mean about shorter scenes.
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