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Home ? Characters ? Can't Save Favorite Characters with Decals??

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12/04/2012 21:58:58

EEFilmzExperimental user
Posts: 397
Can't Save Favorite Characters with Decals?? I tried with Gif, I SAW it on him but Sae was grayed out, so I tried a Bmp and saw it, but still no luck, so I tried a Jpg...I cannot Save Favs with Decals, So...Why is this?
13/04/2012 06:47:35

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
EEFilmz - I'm afraid you can't do this at the moment. Just remove the decals and save the character then reapply when you import.
14/04/2012 07:38:19

EEFilmzExperimental user
Posts: 397
ukBerty wrote:
EEFilmz - I'm afraid you can't do this at the moment. Just remove the decals and save the character then reapply when you import.

Thanks...Hopefully Muvizu will change that and the ability to hold/wear objects/3d costumes too would be great. - EEF
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Home ? Characters ? Can't Save Favorite Characters with Decals??