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Home ? Feedback ? Directing Effects

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09/05/2012 17:51:49

kenhubExperimental user
Posts: 10
Need to be able to turn the effects on/off during recording. Right now I do multi-pass (one pass with the effect and another without) and then edit in Premiere. It would also be better if we could direct the parameters of the effects. This suggestion also applies to the body effects (BTW - need electrical head effect for the robots). Awesome product muvizuers!
09/05/2012 19:00:46

Posts: 582
Hi kenhub,

You can animate the effects intensity, hence turn it off when you need to.

You can do this on the prepare object properties and select intensity on the drop down menu. Also on the animate drop down menu change from "Don't animate" to "Animate".
Then press direct and use the slider to adjust the effect as you see fit.

Note: Make sure you have the effect selected, either manually or in the object drop down menu - in the prepare object animation window.

I hope this helps.

edited by Marco_D on 09/05/2012
09/05/2012 22:08:36

kenhubExperimental user
Posts: 10
Thanks Marco, knew it had to be there!! I will give it a try tonight.
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Home ? Feedback ? Directing Effects