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Home ? For New Users ? AAGH! DRIVING me Crazy...

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29/05/2012 19:33:07

EEFilmzExperimental user
Posts: 397
I watched the tutorials and tried to direct a scene of a polie car matter what I try it goes ll over the place!...I tried t drag the left mouse button to get the cop car to drive down the road but instead it is always rotating! why is this? I tried putting gravity to 100% because the car was rototaing everywhere but even then at 10 or 100%the car doesn't stay on the ground! is also changing my pov when i hit record...The scene I am trying to do would be - pan down to the radgoing into the distance - pov from road is a car speeds off into the distance! tha's all I need but it's not working...what am I doing wrong or is it a glitch I have? I can't get the car to do anything but spin around. - EEF
29/05/2012 20:47:51

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
You can only use the keys to animate objects (and the mouse is for characters). To get it to move in a straight line you would use the Up arrow key (there is a list of the keys for movement in the Help)

As for the POV switch on record - in the Direct Object Movement options there is one called Director Start Location. If it's set to Locked to Object Axis then change it to Adjustable and that will stop the switching POV. If it's set to Adjustable already, then sorry I'm out of ideas

Hope that helps.
30/05/2012 04:18:43

EEFilmzExperimental user
Posts: 397
Hey Ziggy I think I got it now, I didn't know you had to use the KEYS on the keyboard to move objects!...also MY goofy keyboard doesn't have Page up/Page just has the Arrws only, and for some reason before they weren't working at all..but now the are working so Thanks for info ! - EEF

ziggy72 wrote:
You can only use the keys to animate objects (and the mouse is for characters). To get it to move in a straight line you would use the Up arrow key (there is a list of the keys for movement in the Help)

As for the POV switch on record - in the Direct Object Movement options there is one called Director Start Location. If it's set to Locked to Object Axis then change it to Adjustable and that will stop the switching POV. If it's set to Adjustable already, then sorry I'm out of ideas

Hope that helps.

edited by EEFilmz on 30/05/2012

Update: Thought I had it, I even bought a new KB/Mouse Combo...and happens again...not sure if it's a glitch in Muvizu or what but I Cannot Drive 55! or anything for that matter because the cars go all over the place except for where I need them to go...Frustrating...just wondering if I am alone in this crazy driving thing?
edited by EEFilmz on 30/05/2012
30/05/2012 14:28:03

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
One other thought occurs to me - the way the movement works has changed a bit in Muvizu lately. The position you are in (relative to the object) effects the direction of the object as well. Which can be handy, or useless depending on where you are. If you're locked behind an object, you should be able to just go straight using the arrow keys (or ASDW, depending on where you want to go). To be honest, the object movement is a bit hard to get on top of. Send me your set file if you like and I'll see if I can work out what your issue is.
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Home ? For New Users ? AAGH! DRIVING me Crazy...