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Home ? Tech Help ? Make Video No eye animations (Sometimes)

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01/10/2012 18:34:12

jonbezMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 201

I get a problem with the eyes for time to time when rendering out the final video.
Example: I make my video, add all the body head and eye animations to all character. but when the video is rendered out sometimes the eye movement on one or two of the characters is not present.
To solve the problem I have to render out again and it is their on the 2nd or 3rd atempt.

The eye animation is only sometimes missing when hitting the make video button but never on the realtime playbacks in the other views when editing the video.

Hope that makes sense
21/11/2012 18:09:11

jonbezMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 201
Just tryed the new version, Eye problem is still there. Eye animations sometimes don't happen in the final render.

I duplicate scenes and characters alot so I have doubles in one set file. I think this eye problem only happens with duplicated copy/paste characters. I'm not %100 on that but this is when I've noticed the problem happen up to now.
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Home ? Tech Help ? Make Video No eye animations (Sometimes)