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12/01/2013 23:53:01

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
I was messing around with this a couple of months ago now if not more and I kind of bumped into it again when I typed in a search term "stock footage" hehe anyhow it reminded me. I dont know if I am posting this just cause I think its cool or if its more that its useful.. I think its cool, but to me its something useful soo anyhow

If you have ever seen those psychaedelic tunnels and stuff that people use for video effects .. vortexes etc well they basically are this sometimes its a composite with some household object like a fan or a toy car or somesuch.. thing but I am always making wierd stuff for intros for myself or for transition screens

its kind of cool it is even more cool if you are a coder type
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Home ? Tips & Tricks ? Electric Sheep