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Home ? Feedback ? Camera control still WASD

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10/04/2013 15:33:16

Posts: 122
It's been a long time since I last used Muvizu, there were quite a few things I really liked about it, but a few things I did not. 3D importing was one such feature I disliked, and the other was camera control. Have there been any changes to either of these? Are cameras still controlled via WASD and require a "performance" such as animating a character?
10/04/2013 16:04:49

DreekoMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1257
Alas the camera controls are ( at present!) still the same
There is a mythical "to do" list that exists within the hallowed halls of Muvizu HQ on which sits a myriad of feature requests from the likes of you and I.
Better camera controls, like the ability to hold objects and a facial animation system are ( so we've been told) high on the list. When they will appear depends on many factors - Complexity, usability, commercial viability and how much magic pixie dust is left in the pot to create them.

I believe they will come... Hopefully sooner than we imagine!

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Home ? Feedback ? Camera control still WASD