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Home ? Feedback ? Muvizu logo !

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18/07/2013 00:57:51

(Account inactive)
Posts: 133
If I'm not wrong, each time their is a new version of Muvizu, its logo - the desktop icon to be more precise - changes. It could be cool to let the community make some suggestions to make the icon of the upcoming version. They could even have some vote to elect the best icon.

For example, here is one of my suggestion for a Muvizu Icon/logo : (made by myself)

Please, comment if you like the icon/logo or if you like the idea !
Thanks all !
edited by Dwarf on 18/07/2013
18/07/2013 03:18:05

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
They changed the logo when they launched from beta to full release otherwise I can't remember of anytime it changed before. I had seen muvizu for a good year or so before I actually got round to trying it and can't remember the logo being different. Anyhow for me their logo is their brand I dont know if as a community member I should have any say in how they present themselves to the business world
18/07/2013 03:49:08

(Account inactive)
Posts: 133
Yeah, you might be right. Anyway, I had fun making this
18/07/2013 06:13:08

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
It probably won't get used, but it looks cool anyway!
18/07/2013 13:34:34

(Account inactive)
Posts: 133
Thanks, by the way, it was just an idea, I didn't take 5 hours to do this It was just an idea to improve Muvizu and the community. If it doesn't work, I don't care, maybe it will gives idea to other people !
edited by Dwarf on 22/07/2013
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Home ? Feedback ? Muvizu logo !