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Home ? Tips & Tricks ? Automating ZiggyMesh

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28/08/2013 16:09:33

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
I always add the ziggymesh.ase to all models before I import them to remove collision - this really assists with scene building.

I have automated this by doing the following :-

Create a text file : c:\windows\addmesh.bat (depending on you OS you may need to edit as administrator)
Put the following lines in it :-

for %%c in (.\*.ase) DO copy "%%c" nocollision
for %%d in (.\nocollision\*.ase) DO type "c:\ut3\ZiggyMesh.ase" >> "%%d"

Download the ZiggyMesh.ase from here -
Rename the ZMB(collision model).ase to ZiggyMesh.ase and stick it in c:\ut3

Every folder that I have models in I create a folder underneath it called NoCollision
I then start a DOS prompt and change directory to the folder with my models in.
As I add models or edit and export them again I just keep running AddMesh from my DOS window (Up arrow to repeat last command).

This ensures that all my .ase files in the nocollision folder are up to date and have the collision removed. I then use these to import into Muvizu.

Been meaning to share this trick for a while.....
28/08/2013 19:41:54

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
Oh, that's a clever one - and a real time saver too. Nice one ukBerty!
29/08/2013 07:35:07

Posts: 165
Very nice!
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Home ? Tips & Tricks ? Automating ZiggyMesh