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Home ? How Do I ...? ? How Do I Get A Different Camera To Record?

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09/08/2010 09:24:09

Posts: 10
I can't get camera 2 recording without deleting camera 1 - how do you record multiple cameras at the same time?
09/08/2010 10:27:47

Posts: 19
lodylody wrote:
I can't get camera 2 recording without deleting camera 1 - how do you record multiple cameras at the same time?

You can choose "Direct Cameras" ; When you hit the 'directors clapper board' to record, you can then choose which camera records that part of the scene. I.e, it records for a few seconds as camera 1, then you make it switch to record from camera 2. When you make the .avi file, it switches between the cameras the way you've chosen them to.

If you want 2 different camera views recorded so that you can use 2 movies in a post-processing application (Like Adobe Premier for example), then you'll have to record it all with camera 1 and save the .avi, and then record it all with camera 2 and save that .avi.
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Home ? How Do I ...? ? How Do I Get A Different Camera To Record?