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23/01/2014 10:24:27

Posts: 65
Greetings all!
I'm interested in the old west (as in 'wild'). The problem I see is that the skirts in Muvizu are short(ish). The women of the old west wore skirts that went down to the ground. Anyone doing a period film will have had the same problem... the length of the dress. Is there anyway round this? If I import a long dress into Muvizu it will only be static!!!! any suggestions please.
23/01/2014 22:31:50

Posts: 65
Hmmm. Ok, no reply so I'm guessing I've had my question answered. That's OK. I'll have to re-think my plot a bit.
23/01/2014 23:01:53

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
the newer female characters have some long skirts but you are limited on how to customize them. the old characters (the potato head ones) can be customised with long skirts but you would have to upgrade to play+ for the attachments and as you say they wont flow like the newer characters but they will move with the character when your character moves about. thats about all i can say really. sorry if its no help to you.
edited by fazz68 on 23/01/2014
23/01/2014 23:34:28

Posts: 65
I am using play + could you direct me to where the attatchment can be got!
23/01/2014 23:51:54

Posts: 65
I think I've miss read what you are saying. Your saying I can use Plus to import a long dress into Muvizu that I've made myself in a 3d program. I will have to settle for that. Thanks again for the help.
24/01/2014 00:56:45

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
yeah. i havnt tried making any type of skirts for characters but i imagine if you attach it on at the waist attachment slot it should work ok. sorry there's not any skirt attachments on the assets page at this moment in time.

ok i did a really quick experiment

but heres ya problem

so you need a really puffy skirt to cover the legs when walking and if you do that it covers the hands up when the character is stationary. so im guessing thats why there are only short skirts in muvizu for the original characters.
edited by fazz68 on 24/01/2014
24/01/2014 09:28:45

Posts: 65
Thanks for the pics! I see what you mean with the walk animation. But, as a plus, you've shown me that the long skirt will work if the character is just stood on one spot. If you think about it, they could be just stood around on a street talking to a friend (not as a main actor so to speak).... so all might not be lost. Thanks again for the reply, very encouraging.
24/01/2014 17:57:41

DyllyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 555
SonOfKong wrote:
they could be just stood around on a street talking to a friend

So... not much has changed then over the last century and some? Ooh I'm going to be in so much trouble when they have finished cooking tea, watching celebrity whatever and Coronation Street, put the kids to bed and then read this! Police Never mind!

However don't forget the age old Western movie tradition (still seen today in Movies like the Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring) where they will stick some bint into a pair of trousers while she inexplicably rides round on a horse, shooting bad guys & defying her father and the social niceties oblivious of any plot context and in further defiance of the classic literature the film is 'loosely' based upon, fearing our colonial cousins will not understand the fundamental tragedy and sacrifice of the female character bound to inaction by the strict social structure of her society.
24/01/2014 18:54:58

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
If only the Heroine character had actual human-like proportions... (instead of walking around on stilts, apparently)
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Home ? How Do I ...? ? Period costumes?