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Home ? Tech Help ? New "to me" Errors...Error Saving & COM Surrogate!

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06/11/2015 03:45:08

EEFilmzExperimental user
Posts: 397
New "to me" Errors...Error Saving Files or trying to resave changes to a set file (I actually save in 2 places everytime, my C drive and my (F) external) just as a precaution, but now it's giving me an error so I make a video, then resave as an entirely different name, only now I'm getting confused which changes are in which setfile!, & Now I tried to delete 2 set files off my desktop and am getting COM Surrogate errors? Not sure about all this, but just when I get into production mode, I am fraut with errors and complications. I dream of a day that my MuvizuPlay time is an error free, no workaround, easy to create my dream experience where Candy flies out of my TV Monitor as I animate! lol...HELP or thoughts? I read (part) of a long thread that others got this in the past, I now am getting this...Why am I getting Save errors and What is Com?

Sincerely, EEF
06/11/2015 09:21:20

mcmillan-raExperimental userMuvizu staff
Posts: 164
Hi EEFilmz,

COM stands for the "Component Object Model", it's a thing in Microsoft windows that effectively allows plugin type behaviour by implementing programming interfaces. It's used in Explorer to generate thumbnails. If this process is opening files but never closing them, then it is likely this is what's causing the error. And it sounds like it is.

There's an article here, which may help.

We do install a plugin that allows us to generate thumbnails from Muvizu Sets. It's one of the install options - when it asks if you want a desktop icon etc.

You could try removing this. You could do it in a few ways: uninstall Muvizu, which will unregister it and then re-install without that option. Or if you're feeling a bit more techy than that, run a CMD shell as Administrator, and type:

RegSvr32 /u /s "C:\Program Files\Muvizu Play\Binaries64\ThumbnailExplorer7.dll"

If you've installed Muvizu somewhere other than the default path, then you'll need to adjust that accordingly. (Similarly if you're running a 32-bit build, switch 64 to 32.) You may need to reboot to kill off currently open processes and the like. If you do that and it still has a problem, then it's likely it's something else on your system causing it.

Let us know, if that was the problem...

06/11/2015 19:41:48

EEFilmzExperimental user
Posts: 397
Thanks for your timely, detailed, helpful response. I will definitely refer back to this if it happens again. What I wound up doing yesterday, I noticed I still had things open in my editor(not sure if that had anything to do with it), but I closed both editor and muvizuplay+ and rebooted. Then was able to delete the files off my desktop. Thanks again, if it happens again I'll refer back to this šŸ˜
edited by EEFilmz on 06/11/2015
edited by EEFilmz on 06/11/2015
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Home ? Tech Help ? New "to me" Errors...Error Saving & COM Surrogate!