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Home ? How Do I ...? ? Super Large Backdrop ?

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28/03/2016 12:31:41

Posts: 110
I could really need larger backdrops than the existing Curved or Widescreen - even if I scale them up to the max (4,3x) it is far too small by a factor 3 or 4 in this case.
For the current set I have stacked 4 curved backdrops (2 high by 2 wide) - but it would be much easier if I could scale just one larger.

Am I missing the right way to do it ? - or should it be a wish for future versions ?
edited by ritsmer on 28/03/2016
28/03/2016 12:50:11

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
one possible workaround might be to scale everything else down. Making your world half as big accomplishes approximately the same size ratio as making the backdrop twice as big.

Another possibility might be to put your backdrop texture on the environment (ground or sky)
edited by PatMarrNC on 28/03/2016
30/03/2016 12:34:23

WabbyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 98
Indeed Pat,

And one last possibility is to use green screen. I mean : turn your sky and ground to a basic color (green, blue or what you want... depends on your set. This color must be different). And after that : use a post-production software (like Hitfilm, Sony vegas...) to add your background set in another layer below your scene (with a chroma key filter on your main layer).

It's the most difficult solution, but the most powerful too... sorry for my bad English, I hope it helps.
edited by Wabby on 30/03/2016
30/03/2016 12:40:25

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
Wabby wrote:
Indeed Pat,

And one last possibility is to use green screen. I mean : turn your sky and ground to a basic color (green, blue or what you want... depends on your set. This color must be different). And after that : use a post-production software (like Hitfilm, Sony vegas...) to add your background set in another layer below your scene (with a chroma key filter on your main layer).

It's the most difficult solution, but the most powerful too... sorry for my bad English, I hope it helps.
edited by Wabby on 30/03/2016

This tactic also works with the render layer tools in Muvizu.
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Home ? How Do I ...? ? Super Large Backdrop ?