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Home ? General Discussion ? Week 1 of Visual Effects for Guerrilla Filmmakers

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23/08/2016 01:45:56

Posts: 359
ziggy72 wrote:
Finished my Monday routine Week 3 done, just off to practice masking together this crowd scene. I'm going to add in some 3d objects too, see how that works. Good course this, isn't it?

Ziggy!!! You are getting these done in record time! I can't wait to get into the masking scene, but guess I will have to. I am hoping once we learn this we can be chasing lots of chickens.
23/08/2016 02:01:33

Posts: 359
PatMarrNC wrote:
ziggy72 wrote:
Finished my Monday routine Week 3 done, just off to practice masking together this crowd scene. I'm going to add in some 3d objects too, see how that works. Good course this, isn't it?

Its a good course, but it could be better. I'd rather they left out some of the miscellaneous interviews and covered the step-by-step procedure of how to use the various effects. Like the Quad Warp. Can't find anything online about it except for other peoples' exercises, none of which actually tell how to do it.

Pat I am going to send you my project file. It is in HF4 Pro, so I hope it works. What I want you to do is look at all the parts individually marked New Point. I have 4 of them. See where the Arrows line up in the different corners. Mute out the file # 5633397701.mp4 to see where the tracking points are set up.

It is difficult for a newbie like me to explain this. Print out the transcript to the video and that might help, too, but I will make another one and write down the steps because I am forgetting, too.
23/08/2016 03:12:44

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
ziggy72 wrote:
Surely Quad Warp is simpler than you think? You assign 4 tracking points, then in the QW effect assign each point to each corner (with 'Use Layer'). There's not much more to it than that really, is there?

yeah, everything's easy once you get it. Nothing's easy until you do.

For some reason the logic behind this hasn't sunk in yet. I can usually understand the concept without actually doing the exercise, but I thinjk this time I'll need to go through the steps before I get it.
30/08/2016 01:04:58

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
Doing week 4's bit, then got stuck doing this all day. It was fun

I used Sinister for the end bit.
30/08/2016 01:14:18

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Awesome, Ziggy! With the tools you have in your creative toolbox, there's no stopping you now! I liked the surprise twist with the arm coming out of the barrel.... ;-)

Every one of these classes has been a game-changer, and especially the one on 3D compositing. The ability to create 3D layers and apply 2D graphics to them... and arrange them into 3D buildings... with transparency... and EVERYTHING is keyframable and numerically controllable!

Its such a good fit with Muvizu because all the principles are the same, and much of it even WORKS the same way... Its a bit different in terms of work flow, however. In order to make the most of it, a person would need to use Muvizu or other animation package to create simpler elements that can be assembled later. I see opportunity for people making green screen animations for use in HitFilm.

One application might be to rig all of the Muvizu base models and create animations with them that don't exist in the standard set of Muvizu actions... like fiddle playing. Then green screen it and make it available to others who need that action. So many new possibilities introduced by the base models and HitFilm...
edited by PatMarrNC on 30/08/2016
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Home ? General Discussion ? Week 1 of Visual Effects for Guerrilla Filmmakers