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Home ? Tech Help ? Activation query

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13/11/2018 17:28:32

Posts: 1
I found several horror stories about Movizu activation. I use several Wifi connection along with broadband connection and I will not bother to change/manipulate MAC address even if Muvizu give me a free activation code which require manipulate MAC address everytime I change my network connection.

Is it worth to buy a licence?

Or the licence will become invalid and useless, if I update my PC or change network connection?
13/11/2018 17:37:16

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
If you get it activated, it will (probably) stay activated on your computer. It should generate using your Ethernet adapter in which case it shouldn't be affected by changing to wifi etc. To move it to a new computer you need to reactivate it or spoof your MAC Address.
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Home ? Tech Help ? Activation query