toonarama - all messages by user

2010/6/10 12:12:11
my suggestions 1. "Expressions" so that you could make a character smile (for instance) without applying an animation
2. Ability to turn-off auto blinking and use have a manual blinking alternative
3. Ability to interact with objects (especially ability to hold them)
4. Ability to use a texture map for clothing (so users could create own costumes)
5. Ability to manouvre character using keypad

But may I take the opportunity to say what a fantastic, easy use, quick quality results package this is. Please keep it free/cheap for as long as possible!
2010/6/2 16:08:55
Not good code. I had the same problem but have managed to launch the application (albeit slowly) by closing down Spybot on my system as this tends to hog quite a lot of resources. I would suggest looking in in Task Manager to see if you can do anything similar
2010/6/2 16:06:52
Muvizu hangs on splash screen sorted by closing Spybot before attempting to launch
2010/5/25 21:19:43
Muvizu hangs on splash screen When I launch Muvizu - I get a couple of splash screens and then nothing. In TM it shows Muvizu as not responding and the splash screen as running.


Direct x 9.0c
a 3 ghz processer
nvidia geforce 7300LE
.net 3.5 SP1
1 GB Ram

c++ redistributable 2008
I appreciate that my video card is not really good enough but I was hoping to be able to use the program in some way. Do you have any idea what the problem is ?

many thanks

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