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Muvizu chat

    • Over a year ago
    • Trailer coming out Tomorrow :D
      Whose excited ??
      • 4 months ago by kalyl
      • What sets apart is its strategic depth. With each move, players must anticipate their opponents' actions while planning their own next steps carefully.
    • Over a year ago
    • Ok Guys get ready for a Masterpiece !!!
      • Over a year ago by KerryK
      • (comment removed by moderators)
      • Over a year ago by Deeboom
      • well not for long
    • Over a year ago
    • I am making a movie but how can i make a character appear and disappear dramatically ?
      • Over a year ago by skylike
      • maybe use a background to hide the character and then move it to reveal?
      • Over a year ago by Deeboom
      • ohh yeah but i thought i could just stop in the middle of record and pull out the character, the add some kind of effect like lightening,would that work ?
      • Over a year ago by skylike
      • That will work but if the cut isn't exact it might be noticeable. But that will work. Depends on how fast you need the character to disappear.
      • Over a year ago by Deeboom
      • thanks