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Muvizu chat

    • Over a year ago
    • Is it normal after "upgrading" to constantly be asked to upgrade again when you access various parts of the app?. Now it asked when I went to camera keyframing. Before was some other feature.
      • Over a year ago by ekholbrook
      • And here is the issue... I switch to camera keyframeing, it asks to activate or buy. Which I activate with my key. I then switch back to direct mode. And sure enough if I switch to keyframe again... it asks to activate!
      • Over a year ago by Rocque
      • Hi. The only way to resolve this is to contact support. They will reply but sometimes you have to wait due to the different time zones, and depending on where you are located.

        Definitely submit a support ticket and they will help.
      • Over a year ago by ekholbrook
      • I reported it. The app IS unlocked, or at least the parts I've tried thus far. But it's like each "new" section I go into asks for to be activated all over again. And sometimes when I come back, it asks again.
      • Over a year ago by ekholbrook
      • The keyframe animation method never becomes unlocked unfortunately. Most of the other constant upgrades respond to the key and being activated and stick. Keyframes never get activated. I sent screenshots to support. Wish they were open weekends :(
      • Over a year ago by ziggy72
      • Keyframing is an addon for the program, and does not come as part of the paid for version by default. Did you buy the Keyframe addon?
      • Over a year ago by Rocque
      • Hi, and yes unfortunately is is normal. Send in a support ticket and they will help you. I had a lot of problems getting Muvizu to accept my upgrade. Then when I purchased a new computer I had to repeat the whole process and that took more time.
      • Over a year ago by ekholbrook
      • I actually had no idea it was an extra since I thought most of the key (pun not intended) feautures were included. But thats' cool and I have no problem with that. I simply thought it was another activation issue!
      • Over a year ago by MrDrWho13
      • It's worth the extra purchase in my opinion. Camera and object movements can come out much smoother.
      • 2 months ago by Donaa351
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    • Over a year ago
    • Same thing here, Just upgraded with code, I get an error when activating E2
      • Over a year ago by ekholbrook
      • I did. I also tried uninstalling, rebooting. Nothing. Still same error.
      • Over a year ago by ekholbrook
      • An now I'm getting, "has been activated too many times... "
      • Over a year ago by MrDrWho13
      • Unfortunately since you've hit the limit by trying a few times it's up to support to re-activate your licence. http://www.muvizu.com/Support
        If running as an admin didn't solve the problem before you hit the limit, then put that in your ticket too.
      • Over a year ago by ekholbrook
      • I did update with all the details and thanks for the replies.
      • Over a year ago by ekholbrook
      • It's actually a little surprising they would make people go through all this hassle for a $30 app. Never had license activation issues but then those have been for $600 software. $30? Would think there'd be an easier way.
      • Over a year ago by MrDrWho13
      • Yeah Muvizu is maintained by a very small team of developers so you have to expect bugs here and there. If these errors keep happening for new users I'll try to move it higher up their priority list.
      • Over a year ago by ekholbrook
      • No worries, I'm sure it will be resolved. I had used the beta (with all the options enabled) about a year ago for a few weeks and fell in love with it for certain projects. So I'll wait it out and hope to resolve it shortly.