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Muvizu chat

    • Over a year ago
    • thanks to DrWho13 and urbanlamb. Forum replies still not appeared but got it sorted :)
      • 10 months ago by dogfishfatso
      • I appreciate your post; I've been seeking for one of these articles for a while and I've finally found one. This article offers me a ton of excellent tips, which I find to be really beneficial. https://geometrylite.co
    • Over a year ago
    • yes - that's my prob. Post not showing on forum yet. Still cant get it to work. Thanks for taking the time to help
    • Over a year ago
    • Thanks - yes tried to do this and seems to work at the time then when I play back both lip sync again at the same time. The tutorial vid shows a diff menu with only me talk etc. I don't see this