• Over a year ago
    • Finished. Just uploaded my new video. "Are You A Wibble?" Was a fun process as always and, a tad bit nerve racking but all and all good times.
    • Over a year ago
    • It's been awhile now but started working on a new animation.
      "Are You A Wibble?"
      Should release it soon.
      • 4 months ago by actuallycreative
      • Recently conceived a concept for an animation. It took me a considerable amount of time to fully comprehend and assemble all the information. https://basketrandom.pro
    • Over a year ago
    • Had an idea recently for an animation. Took me awhile to put it all together.. I think I could've spent a tad more time on the audio but all an all it was fun. Muvizu seems to tax my graphics card with each update.. Good times tho... good times.!!.
      • Over a year ago by ziggy72
      • Look forward to seeing it :)