jayadeava has no videos yet.

Muvizu chat

    • Over a year ago
    • Hi Team,

      I have uploaded the file and waiting for it to be shown in gallery. Since this is my first vid which im sharing, Im very much eager to see my output in Muvizu Gallery...
      But my video is not yet visible in gallery.
      • Over a year ago by jayadeava
      • Can you please let me know was my video approved please....
      • Over a year ago by jayadeava
      • ah perfect.. perfect.. sorry for being bit hurry :) ... just was bit curious... :)

        Thank you for the reply
    • Over a year ago
    • Hi

      How can I share my youtube muvizu video in gallery ?
      • Over a year ago by MrDrWho13
      • You have to upload the video to YouTube through this site for it to show in the gallery
      • Over a year ago by jayadeava
      • Thank you for the reply.
      • Over a year ago by jayadeava
      • By the way, I have uploaded the file and waiting for it to be shown in gallery.
        Since this is my first vid which im sharing, Im very much eager to see my output in Muvizu Gallery... : )
      • 3 months ago by gustyram
      • To share your Muvizu video in your gallery, first, upload the video to YouTube. Once uploaded and published, obtain the YouTube video link from the video page. See more: https://hillclimb-racing.com