• Over a year ago
    • How does one shot / stage multiple character dialogue?
      • Over a year ago by MrDrWho13
      • You can use one audio file for multiple characters but you can't use multiple audio files for one character. Add the files in prepare->audio and assign characters in prepare->dialogue.
      • Over a year ago by ritsmer
      • ... and if you have a soundtrack with several characters speaking then you might speak what they say to different audio tracks using your own voice. I normally do this hearing the voices in my headphone and then speak the character when hearing it
      • Over a year ago by maurice8th
      • Thanks, guys! I used Audacity & the edits are sharper.
      • Over a year ago by Rocque
      • There is a how to section in the forum where they address this, or you can ask again. People there are really helpful, because we want a lot of people to use this site.
    • Over a year ago
    • I'm frantic because I can't open my Muvizu project & after shooting all of my scenes, all that remains is going into video. Using Windows 10. Thx, Maurice Tyson
      • Over a year ago by MrDrWho13
      • What is the exact problem? Is there an error message with an error code?
      • Over a year ago by maurice8th
      • Hi. No, It just stops loading at 80-85% - fortunately, I backed up my work on my flash drive. That works. Could be a Windows 10 issue.
      • Over a year ago by MrDrWho13
      • Probably best to send in a report with your PC specs and the sets you had trouble with: http://www.muvizu.com/Support (or email bugs@muvizu.com )
        They've been having several problems with windows 10.
      • 8 months ago by Manisoa
      • Submitting a report detailing your PC specifications and the problematic sets would be highly recommended
      • 6 months ago by michaelarrington
      • Staging multiple character dialogue in a scene involves https://tunnelrush2.org careful planning of character positioning, movement, and interaction to ensure the dialogue is clear and visually engaging.
    • Over a year ago
    • Does anyone know where I can download objects for travel? Suitcases, knapsacks, etc.
      • Over a year ago by Tangledbliss
      • There areplenty of bags and suitcases in Sketchup warehouse which you can export as .ase files to use in muvizu. I use the older Sketchup 8, the more recent versions seem to throw up problems doing this
      • Over a year ago by MrDrWho13
      • Yeah, as tangledbliss said, you need sketchup 8, and you need to download the assets from the web warehouse because they disabled the one within sketchup. Also you'll need the ziggymesh plugin: http://www.rodneyandberty.co.uk/downloads/
      • Over a year ago by maurice8th
      • Thank you kindly! I feel the the latest Sketchup was a ballbuster to use in import / export.
      • Over a year ago by MrDrWho13
      • If you're up for a challenge, try learning how to use Blender. FBX exports turn out much better and have more functions than ASE.
      • Over a year ago by maurice8th
      • Thanks, MrDrWho13 I've kept my options open.