
"VideoFumetto: Detective Coltrain" Promotional Message [Melaz EC Production]

by MelazEntCompProd


The background soundtrack is Do As I Say from the album Moichans Chapter II (2004). I didn't want to use it improperly, this video it's just an amatorial non-profit idea, so I hope that will not be reported. Thanks so much :)

La Melaz Entertainment Company Production è lieta di annunciare con piacere, l'uscita ufficiale del VideoFumetto: Detective Coltrain Il 20 Luglio 2013 verrà resa pubblica la prima parte del progetto a cui il nostro staff sta lavorando da più di due anni. Tenetevi incollati allo schermo e seguite le nostre news sul nuovo sito ufficiale

The Melaz Entertainment Company Production is pleased to announce, for your pleasure, the official release date of VideoFumetto: Detective Coltrain! On July 20, 2013 will make publics the first part of project which our staff has been working for more than two years. Stay glued to the screen and follow our news on new official website http://www.melazentertainmentcompanyprod.j
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