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Home ? Tips & Tricks ? STORE fiasco and

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10/09/2020 18:28:09

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
How about getting the store to work again? Or is it by design that Digifactors models are always first on the page, very convenient for exclusively directing sales.Something should be done about this.
10/09/2020 22:52:58

DigiFactorMuvizu mogulMuvizu staff
Posts: 135
No it's not that, I see a few submissions right after mine, but I don't have the option to approve them, it usually works by the newest submissions that would always be at the top of the list, I been trying to contact Meshmellow on this but haven't got any answers yet, I guess with everything going on in China their not able to update their site!

This is one of the reasons why I reopened my old site, but I'm still working on my store to make it to where my members will be able to add their own contents to sell using their own Paypal accounts, so I'm mind boggling myself to make it happen, I even updated the video uploaders to where you no longer have to wait for me to approve them and it automatically adds it to the galley, and it has a working forum, I know it's not the Muvizu site, but it is for Muvizu along with Cartoon Animator, I understand if no one wants to go there, but at least they will have the option to do so!
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Home ? Tips & Tricks ? STORE fiasco and