drewi - all messages by user

2025/2/19 1:12:51
Earning A Reward If there was a reward for muvizu industry i know who would get one.
2025/1/17 0:04:59
Give And Take Too true Rice, They are sublime, meticulously crafted environments populated with subtle animations that bring the sets to life.
2024/12/22 0:31:59
old muvizu owner now has a new win 11 laptop. What problems will i have trying to install, sort licence out etc?
Do i download the trial and go from there?
I am feeling very anxious about it.Whaaaaa?
i have muvizu play+ with a number of bought addons on my old computer.

i have been dreading this.
edited by drewi on 2024/12/22
2024/11/29 22:36:49
My recent video post Thanks for reply Mike
verry odd.
2024/11/29 22:28:48

Ziggys 'WAR TORN' set is the star.
audio suno.ai
edited by drewi on 2024/11/29
edited by drewi on 2024/11/29
2024/11/29 22:21:07
My recent video post Where did the video i posted last week go?

posting it again below.

edited by drewi on 2024/11/29
2024/10/26 17:36:37
It's Just A Suggestion Cool keeping it real on muvizu 2024.
Spammers will never win.
2024/8/5 8:28:32
Meet Dr. Von Boem A bit dark on my laptop....which is old and falling apart.......frightened to upgrade and lose muvizu.
2024/7/12 19:35:52
Double Take the set craft Cool .......annoying spammers so .....bumpy bump
2024/5/16 22:15:26
Big Beef Dinner Applause.
2024/4/4 19:19:51
Runaway Rabbit a scene setting master
2024/3/24 9:32:17
From Scratch walk to the cave is a joy to behold.
2023/6/21 16:56:42
How It All Started The inclusion of a person moving about behind the wooden fence in their garden ,upper left of the screen as the credits roll. Those touches of detail always bring me back for more.
2023/5/24 19:30:06
Message From Beyond Seems unresolved is there a part 2?
2023/5/22 22:05:42
licence key not working Crikey! presumably they will honour their obligation to past purchasers. Duhh
Just so i understand

This problem doesn't arise if you buy Muvizu and install on a new win 11 machine.

but if you have a full copy of muvizu bought pre win 11 and install muvizu on a win 11 machine
you get watermark and other problems.
That's no goodWhaaaaa?
2023/4/29 22:43:46
The Journey Long kitchen colour debate? see rule 57b , Such meticulous attention to detail. Exemplory.
2023/2/6 21:52:32
Tavern Games Beautifully crafted once more. Superb. Subtle, detailed, layered shots creating convincing atmospheres.
2023/1/29 20:44:14
VR180 3D Muvizu Zombies applauseCool
2023/1/4 0:23:05
AI voice overs Wonderful. A Great share.
2022/11/29 20:40:56
Another Totally FREE Asset from Drewi. Rather amazingly this had a handful of downloads until the other day then suddenly shot up to over 200 virtually overnight.
Such a pain one can no longer upload assets here.
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