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Home ? Your Videos ? How to make a character walk on space

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19/04/2021 17:55:11

Posts: 41

This would be a really cool feature if you could simply drag the character where ever you want to make it move up and down, backward and forward...maybe the next Muvizu's Chinese generation! Who knows...

Anyway, on this vid making, the character NEVER moves...He is action animated but this is all...The whole set features move and also the camera...Thus the impression of the astronaut flying in space...Took me some time to do it...lots of it going around how to achieve it first
19/04/2021 22:45:40

Posts: 173
My suggestion would be to have the character on an invisible ground backdrop that is floating in the air and in front of an enlarged backdrop behind it. Have the big backdrop showing what another moving camera is seeing on in a scene you have elsewhere in the set. The camera on the character could also be moving. Even the invisible ground backdrop could be moving.
20/04/2021 02:23:47

Posts: 41
yes indeed... I tried this but the scene on the back backdrop was blurry...Then again as you can see, my character moves from back to front and you would not be able to get your character into the back backdrop (where my rocket would be) to get it to the front. He's have to be in front of the back backdrop, and my rocket would be too far behind which is not the case here

I nearly did the same you said with this video. I set up the space environment. Then I created a flat cube for the moon ground on which I imported a Moon jpeg, then I installed the character On a invisible flat cube, above the Ground flat moon cube (option Can float in the air)... I lifted the invisible cube and moved the ground forward and backward. I did the same with the rocket. I then moved the invisible cube up to fake the astronaut going up (invisible cube) and down to make the astronaut go down.

It would be MUCH more easy definetaly if we could simply shoot the dragging of the character (not seeing the pointer)...Much less time wasting.
20/04/2021 11:11:07

Posts: 22
You could try this. Put your character on a separate layer. Record your motion with your background by moving or panning your camera where you want to have your character appear. Render your video minus the character layer. Place a backdrop "green screen" behind your character and record the same amount of time with your camera focused only on your character and green screen. Make sure your green screen and character are on the same layer. Render video again but only the character's layer. Go to your video editor of choice, import both videos in making sure your character layer is on top. Edit out the green color. Process is different depending on editor. Record your video.
The moving background will give the effect of motion. Your space scene would be perfect for this as the motions of floating in space vary.
Hope this helps.
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Home ? Your Videos ? How to make a character walk on space