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Home ? How Do I ...? ? How to create Batman Mask

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16/04/2015 18:37:31

Posts: 1
Hi Guys,

I am trying to create a Batman character but I am stucked making the face mask with batman ears.

Could you please help me about it?

I am new to Muvizu

Thank you.
17/04/2015 12:12:21

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
There is a batman mask, under hats.
Oh! you may mean for the beefy character...
You would need to create some pointy ears in a 3d modeling prog and convert the model to something muvizu understands .fbx or.ase
and import them into muvizu as a hat.
Also use the cowl accessed via beefys body tab/menu.
Then for added effect import a modified, base torso uv map containing the batman logo.

I have uploaded this guy to the assets forum its awaiting moderation.
edited by drewi on 17/04/2015
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Home ? How Do I ...? ? How to create Batman Mask