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Home ? Your Videos ? shut up!!zip it!...shh!

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09/05/2015 11:45:23

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Why have comments been disabled on videos posted to the gallery?
09/05/2015 12:03:33

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
i would say because as usual you tube/google are pissing around and changing stuff to make everyones life just that bit more complicated.
edited by fazz68 on 09/05/2015
09/05/2015 22:55:47

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
youtube changed their API again. I sent in a support ticket to Digimania and they are working on fixing it. Basically they need to change some bits and pieces so it works. It will take them a few days to fix it.
edited by urbanlamb on 09/05/2015
14/05/2015 14:38:17

bigwallyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 399
They haven't fixed it yet?!?!?!?!?!
edited by bigwally on 14/05/2015
14/05/2015 17:45:15

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
and its wiped out all my videos from this site..... again.....
15/05/2015 23:18:11

Posts: 11
fazz68 wrote:
and its wiped out all my videos from this site..... again.....

The same thing happened to me!
19/05/2015 18:55:09

bigwallyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 399
Still not fixed?
19/05/2015 19:24:59

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
WOAH dem views!

I don't think it's just the comments that youtube have changed.
20/05/2015 00:10:37

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
no vids uploaded in ages here. can you log on to you tube? i cant. had this problem a few months back and muvizu kindly helped me out reconnecting my muvizu account back to youtube. it wiped all my vids from this site. i got them back again and now it happened again vanished in to the void of doom. theres not much point in doing anything till i see muvizu has fixed the problem. so till then........
20/05/2015 01:50:44

Posts: 520
Yeah I've never posted any movies here because Muvizu insisted on you having a YouTube account which forces you to have Google+ as well which I have no interest in. This kind of mess is pretty much as I expected would happen and the bungee Muvizu spokespeople seem to have bounced out of orbit again.
20/05/2015 09:41:26

IanSExperimental userMuvizu staff
Posts: 139
Hi folks

Yes, video uploads and comments have been offline for a few days unfortunately. The Google API used for that had changed so we're having to make some internal changes to follow suit. It will be available again very soon but feel free to post your videos in the forum or chat pages in the meantime for all to see.
20/05/2015 13:00:15

bigwallyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 399

Yes, we do understand that it sometimes takes time to fix things, but its has been at least 15 days since it reared its ugly head, and this is the first message, from the staff, to acknowledge that this is happening.

Thank you for the update.
26/06/2015 06:34:20

bigwallyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 399
* BUMP *
28/06/2015 17:03:32

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
April the 20th, that's the last time a video was posted according to the Gallery. It's nearly July. Confused
28/06/2015 17:14:36

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
mucho stinkay fockallhappininos
28/06/2015 20:59:45

artpenMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 362
Hey fellow creatives, what a shame about our little Gallery, eh!

I occasionally check in to see if there is any new videos, but.......... nothing??
Remember the good ol days boys and girls? Remember when Muvizu was FUN? A place where a shitload of laughs came in by the bucket load??
Do you remember the good Crack we had with HQ?? Do you remember the Ambition here?
Do you remember the Storys, the mini series, the news, the Horror... the Horror.. the Horror...
The Comedys that were unmatched on any other machinama forums? A yes, Do you remember?
I think we will be on Steve Wrights radio show next!

But what I do remember is someone asking about setting up a new Muvizu forum to post new videos and file share and stuff?
Sounds like a good idea to me now, cause this site is as flat as a whitches Tit!!

Just my thought's guys.

Peace, artpen
28/06/2015 21:20:31

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
Well, you're not wrong artpen...
31/07/2015 11:23:57

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
So video posting to the gallery has been restored and i have now learned how to post there which is pleasing but still no facility to post comments there.Any news about this area of the gallery being restored?i do miss it.
edited by drewi on 31/07/2015
31/07/2015 19:40:53

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
artpen wrote:
Hey fellow creatives, what a shame about our little Gallery, eh!

I occasionally check in to see if there is any new videos, but.......... nothing??
Remember the good ol days boys and girls? Remember when Muvizu was FUN? A place where a shitload of laughs came in by the bucket load??
Do you remember the good Crack we had with HQ?? Do you remember the Ambition here?
Do you remember the Storys, the mini series, the news, the Horror... the Horror.. the Horror...
The Comedys that were unmatched on any other machinama forums? A yes, Do you remember?
I think we will be on Steve Wrights radio show next!

But what I do remember is someone asking about setting up a new Muvizu forum to post new videos and file share and stuff?
Sounds like a good idea to me now, cause this site is as flat as a whitches Tit!!

Just my thought's guys.

Peace, artpen

well.. my thoughts and i dont post my true thoughts often about such stuff because in the end they are just a bunch of hard working people trying to earn a living in a very competitive field, but

my thoughts on community for companies like this.. its their community in the end if they are not active the users wont be either.

There are other small communities out their so i am not sure how making another forum will help. Since I tend to like have a full faced method of doing this stuff and use tools other then just muvizu I kinda of surf around and read stuff.

The 3d party communities are not very active either because the driving force is usually the software that people are using.. so i dont know how much setting something else up would help..

but since *cough* I just had to move to a new domain name and am reinstalling my website yet again. (I just did a massive update recently lol) I suppose I can add a forum. I dont feel a true video sharing site is something i want to um deal with because it will be full of um stuff that I would want to remove and dont want to moderate it to keep off the pron and .. stuff :P

a forum is fine though let me know.. however I do not think its the answer the answer if for muvizu to engage its clientbase more and not just tweet things.

so that is my thoughts. However nurturing a community like this is a full time job in and of itself soo... I can understand if they dont have the manpower to do it. (that is why I dont say much often cause I know its hard work and there are only 24 hours in a day )
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Home ? Your Videos ? shut up!!zip it!...shh!