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Home ? How Do I ...? ? FBX import errors (of course errors)

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19/07/2015 22:56:01

Posts: 2
Hi! I use Poser to create models and after exporting them to FBX I get "Fatal error" window when I try to import them in muvizu and it shows alot about different dll files etc. Why is this happening?
20/07/2015 00:10:27

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
I would check this info on the wiki

-you need the right version of fbx its 2011 or 2012 autodesk I forget right now .. its automatic as i have an exporter I use and forget the parameters of the one I chose long ago now
-there needs to be a collision mesh of some sort defined if you leave it to muvizu to define it.. well it probably will make errors and be unusable even if it manages to figure one out.
-and it needs to be triangulated
-also there might be a map not supported by muvizu so make sure you have the right maps defined
- there is a polygon limit you need to be aware of as well.
for more info you should probably search out the basic info on unreal engine fbx format for unreal engine 3.0 as most of the information is the same.
edited by urbanlamb on 20/07/2015
20/07/2015 14:31:43

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
I don't use Poser but I do use DAZ. I always export as a DAE and get the model into Autodesk. I can then export as an FBX or ASE.

If you're serious about importing your own models into Muvizu sooner or later you will realise that .ASE with no collision is the way to go.

I rarely use FBX in Muvizu.
20/07/2015 16:12:27

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Posts: 1786
So am I the only one who has managed to use FBX inside muvizu successfully? I dont use ASE anymore once they introduced FBX I switched over. The thing about FBX is that you sort of need to be able to mess with things and understand what is going on in order to use it.

ASE is depricated and no longer used so it would be prudent to try to learn the ins and outs of FBX. Unless you like using old software and dont intend on upgrading your pc or changing to new windows versions. As time passes models created by others out in the rest of the world will be less and less adaptable to ASE since no one uses it and the software to create items is also changing at a very fast pace.
edited by urbanlamb on 20/07/2015
20/07/2015 16:37:59

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
@urban lamb.I use .fbx and it seems to work well for me.
I create models in anim8or export them as wavefront .obj, texture and uv map if required.
import them into blender and straight back out as .fbx ready for import into muvizu.
never had any luck with .ase
20/07/2015 16:47:07

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Posts: 763
same here. everything ive done in the last year (not a lot i know Big Grin ) has all been 99% fbx. with the odd ase here and there.
20/07/2015 18:47:34

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Posts: 1786
ah okay I was curious. You just need to figure it out but really "its not that hard" hehe. I should make a bumper sticker with that info on it because FBX does work you just need to learn how to add collission and stuff but it lets you do things like make shinies etc etc. I put that info for blender on how to turn on shinies for basic stuff in the wiki cause "its not that hard" Big Grin

The secret to using FBX does seem to be learning what buttons to push in blender and since they are available for use on steam they have added two fbx exporters one of which is compatible with muvizu 100%.
edited by urbanlamb on 20/07/2015
21/07/2015 06:54:48

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
Must be just me then......

It's our friend collision. The bottom line is that I cannot create the sets I need if collision is turned on, so I always have to turn it off.

But you can do that with FBX I hear you shout.... Yes, but with ASE I have a script and can remove collision on 100 models in around 2 seconds. If there was a way of removing collision on FBX models that was even 50 times slower then I would accept it, but as far as I can tell there isn't.

So it's a matter of time for me. A set will have say 100 objects in it. If it takes 3 minutes to get rid or fix collision on an FBX object then that set will take 5 hours longer to create, and I'm not sure what I get for that investment in time. The whole thing takes long enough as it is !

Maybe I just don't have the skills.

If anyone does have an automatic way of removing / reducing collision (ala ZiggyMesh) when exporting to an FBX then I would be delighted and fully converted to FBX.
21/07/2015 15:32:47

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Posts: 1786
I dont think anyone has created a script. I have always (even with ASE) just did collision manually because I would take advantage of it in certain props for ease of placement. Anyhow I dont know who wrote the first script was it ziggy? maybe he can be convinced to tinker with FBX and make one for use with FBX meshes
21/07/2015 17:13:46

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
urbanlamb wrote:
I dont think anyone has created a script. I have always (even with ASE) just did collision manually because I would take advantage of it in certain props for ease of placement. Anyhow I dont know who wrote the first script was it ziggy? maybe he can be convinced to tinker with FBX and make one for use with FBX meshes

Ideally I would like a script in Blender to add a "ZiggyMesh" tiny collision box at the centre of the axis ready for export as an FBX.

I amended the Sketchup script to inject Ziggy's box into the ASE as it was exported. I'd be happy to to the same for Blender (or at least have a go) if someone could give me step by step instructions of how to create a ZiggMesh style collision box in Blender.

There's collision tutorials out there (sort of) but only to create proper collision which I'm assuming can't be scripted as each model would be different. A generic ZiggyMesh box is perfect as you can still put things on top of planes but don't have the other positioning issues associated with collision.
edited by ukBerty on 21/07/2015
21/07/2015 18:05:48

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
I think for the fbx you would need to alter the fbx file code as one does with the ASE file after its made. (outside of blender or whatever software your using) its.. errm I think they use binary .. again I can't remember I just decided how it was done and now its automatic.

Blender software is open sourced but I imagine the solution would be to do this after the file is created so you would build an object with no collision. Then using a script add a collision box of set dimensions.

The collision boxes in blender or any software you use that are to be used in muvizu all use the same naming protocol to be recognized which is UCX_modelname so the script would simply search for or insert a box named UCX_modelname and make the box 1x1x1 (or maybe 0.1x0.1,0.1 you would have to test for that) and position it at 0,0,0 but the only way this can work in my mind is outside blender to add it to the end of an fbx file in the appropriate place and on the appropriate line.

That is as far into coding I will ever get LOL

for myself I dont always zero out collision because I make models that I might want to snap together in a certain place so i create collision that make this easier.

They wont be removing collision from muvizu because then the characters would not work etc so it needs to stay and since they are using unreal they are dealing with the constraints they added. Anyhow if you can read code you can open up an fbx file and examine some I think I have loaded some onto the site that i built some collision into. You can I guess see what line they add the collision box at and then go from there I guess? Again I am not much of a coder other then I know that I only learn to code when put into a corner and each time because I hate it so much I basically have to relearn it and then I quickly forget it after I complete the task because I hate coding with a passion so we will call that 'selective forgetting'.

Anyhow I can't code my way out of a paper bag so its probably not a good thing for me to try Big Grin. but the answer would be to crack open an fbx file and see where they insert the UCX_ modelname and go from there. (outside of blender)

In the end models made that people sell or give away outside of muvizu have no collision built into them they are just the mesh model. So adding it to a file that is fbx after it is created is fine. The collision mesh constraints are specific to each game engine so no modeller would build with collision in place for giving out for general use in each case this would be added afterwards by the purchaser unless he is selling specifically for a single piece of software as in the case of muvizu.

edit.. I need to make friends with the word collision but I never do
edited by urbanlamb on 21/07/2015
21/07/2015 18:54:24

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
Hang on, this is getting complicated

All I did was create a little box in sketchup in the dead centre, export it as an ASE, made it UCX, then slapped it onto the end of whatever ASE I want collision reduced on. If I could do that to FBX files I'd use them instead, no question (FBX is a superior format, no one's saying ASE is, y'know, a good thing!) but I don't how FBX files work, and they never centre right in Muvizu (the axis point is always somewhere else it seems) so I don't use them. Sketchup 2015 (which I have now installed alongside 8) does claim to support FBX though, so I'll have a go at that and see if anything helps.

Nope, my mistake, sketchup 2015 doesn't support FBX at all.
edited by ziggy72 on 21/07/2015
21/07/2015 19:28:54

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
lol basically that is what I am saying to do with the fbx but outside blender. I will make a "how to put a box for collision" video I guess.

Slap a box in the center of an object is pretty much the same no matter the software. I just dont use any automated anything for stuff but yeah "its really not that hard"

for the fbx in muvizu you need to set loc/rot but I do think there is a bug in regards to this and hopefully they can find it.
edited by urbanlamb on 21/07/2015
22/07/2015 07:17:02

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
Urban - yes please, if you could do a "how to create a tiny collision box" video in Blender then I will spend some time and see if I can get something automated.

As Ziggy says, we all want to use FBX as their better - it's just that within Muvizu there is a price to pay.
edited by ukBerty on 22/07/2015
22/07/2015 15:48:28

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
yup i started a video last night then had to put it down for life the universe and everything but I will try to get one going tonight.
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Home ? How Do I ...? ? FBX import errors (of course errors)