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Home ? How Do I ...? ? Why can't I use my free Content Packs?

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01/10/2015 22:56:26

Posts: 15
I've had Muvizu for a long time and today, I noticed that all my free contents packs are padlocked.
What's going on? Is there a problem?
Since I had them for free, I should be able to keep them for free, don't you think?
Please help me.
01/10/2015 23:07:58

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
times are a changing.... you need the upgrade to play+ to use the free with play+ content packs. if you already have play+ then contact support to help sort the problem out.
edited by fazz68 on 01/10/2015
02/10/2015 01:16:33

Posts: 15

I think that this is very unfair. I would like to doubly confirm if this is a permanent change.
So you give for free and do a reverse Robin-Hood and take it back.

I believe that best practice is to "grandfather" me into Muvizu with all my free content packs.

Kindly reconsider.
I might purchase Play+ in the future if I see that the company is committed to it's users.

I await your reply.

02/10/2015 01:37:32

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
its nothing to do with me mate. im just a muvizu user the same as yourself. i was just conveying what has changed in regards to the way muvizu is being developed now. sorry but i have no power or influence over the way muvizu runs its affairs. sorry
02/10/2015 01:44:21

Posts: 15
Thanks, fazz68.

I would like a reply from a Muvizu employee at this time.

02/10/2015 02:16:14

DanimalMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 477
The content is still free, you just have to buy the software to use it. Not a bad deal by any stretch of the imagination.
02/10/2015 03:40:08

Posts: 51
And lest we forget, Muvizu used to cost a lot more than it does now. At least, I think I remember that's the way it was. Whatever the case, it's a very inexpensive product in my humble opinion.
02/10/2015 04:45:48

EEFilmzExperimental user
Posts: 397
Listen here Smartypants, lol ok now that that Haha is outta my system(Finally got to say it to someone).

I've been using this software for many many years(which means a lot more than 3), and I can tell ya you're late to the party pal, I believe it was stated long ago (somewhere I know..forums maybe or email) as every change or improvement has been made by Muvizu to existing Muvizuers that unless you dig deep (HaHa) for that waddled up cash in the extremely low ridiculously low amount of $29.99 (I wasted no time in buying it! along with most others here) you would be missing out on the BENE'S... So as a fellow Muvizuer here, I can tell ya it's WELL WORTH IT!, AND Muvizu does inform all of it's users of each change/improvement it makes, they in no way play "Robin Hood" or leave you in the dark, if you're in the dark, you're either new, lost, or ya didn't pay the electric bill...if it's the last one, you're gonna have to pay the electric bill 1st, just so you can use your computer, to use Muvizu, to upgrade to MuvizuPlay+ to reap the Bene's everybody obviously wants anyway.
Seriously though, it's a no brainer, trust me.

Peace - EEFilmz
edited by EEFilmz on 02/10/2015
edited by EEFilmz on 02/10/2015
edited by EEFilmz on 02/10/2015
edited by EEFilmz on 02/10/2015
02/10/2015 07:24:42

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
Smartypants wrote:
I've had Muvizu for a long time and today, I noticed that all my free contents packs are padlocked.
What's going on? Is there a problem?
Since I had them for free, I should be able to keep them for free, don't you think?
Please help me.

The "free" packs have required Muvizu:Play+ for some time now. At the moment it's £25, which is, as many people have already said, an incredibly low price for this software. Especially considering the original price was £150.
The content packs released in the future are likely to be sold separately in the store, as will some user created assets.

Any purchase helps the Muvizu team, and you've been using this software for a "long time" and are obviously pleased with how it works, so consider it a donation to the people who made it.
If you do want to speak to one of the staff about the details, you should probably send in a support ticket:
02/10/2015 09:31:51

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
i remember the days you could go out, buy 20 cigarettes, get seriously drunk, play pool all night, purchase some naughty substances, get a kebab, get a cab home the next day and still have change out of 25 quid for a big fat fry up down the cafe when you wake up.....
02/10/2015 11:34:14

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 301
Could he not reinstall an older version alongside the latest one and not update when asked?then keep on using the free packs.
think some links were posted recently to a few versions.
think this thread has one but 64bit sure there were other links but i cant locate atm.
02/10/2015 13:44:43

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
They needed a way to make money in order to keep the lights on. One cannot begrudge them that. Its not very expensive so give them 30 bucks as a thank you for all their hard work and then you can use the content again.

Unfortunately for people like me its very hard to sell me content of any kind but I do purchase software. However since I can make most anything I tend to go for solutions that allow me to use almost anything I make. I will continue to use muvizu and likely purchase their characters as a thank you for the years and years of free time they have given me. Its only fair. So I await their new lines of characters patiently.

I have pretty much switched directions to "them other softwares" because my needs outstrip what muvizu can realistically do but I will continue to make some small little projects in them from time-to-time because they are quite fun as their animations are very cute. I just ask that they not make "one" of any type of character (so I guess call this input) as mixing styles is a bit difficult. I point to mandy with the manga eyes .. she has no male counterpart so it makes things a wee bit difficult.

Anyhow my new pc is almost ready for use.. I just need to put all the software back now (including muvizu).

So if you want them to do well put your money on the line and buy a copy of muvizu so they can keep the lights on. Consider that the amount of money they charge is the equivalent to a very cheap night out .. maybe a burger and a beer .. if your lucky.

*goes back to setting up my new pc of doom*
edited by urbanlamb on 02/10/2015
10/11/2015 10:11:34

EEFilmzExperimental user
Posts: 397
So, and this may be obvious, but I'll ask anyway, For MuvizuPlay+, the content packs we already have (free) that's it right? After "Chemistry Set pack" any NEW content packs you need to purchase even if you own MuvizuPlay+ Correct? I have no problem with that just clarifying that's the case yes? or are there more free?
10/11/2015 10:18:28

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
EEFilmz wrote:
So, and this may be obvious, but I'll ask anyway, For MuvizuPlay+, the content packs we already have (free) that's it right? After "Chemistry Set pack" any NEW content packs you need to purchase even if you own MuvizuPlay+ Correct? I have no problem with that just clarifying that's the case yes? or are there more free?

Yep, the new ones cost extra but the old ones are included in muvizu play+.
10/11/2015 10:31:11

EEFilmzExperimental user
Posts: 397
MrDrWho13 wrote:
EEFilmz wrote:
So, and this may be obvious, but I'll ask anyway, For MuvizuPlay+, the content packs we already have (free) that's it right? After "Chemistry Set pack" any NEW content packs you need to purchase even if you own MuvizuPlay+ Correct? I have no problem with that just clarifying that's the case yes? or are there more free?

Yep, the new ones cost extra but the old ones are included in muvizu play+.

That's what I thought, just checking...
I'm also glad I read someone's post about today's update errors!(I stopped it before it fully downloaded). I'll wait ...
As it is right now Muvizu keeps shutting down(new) for no reason, while my fans/harddrive is constantly going nuts! I think the fans/hdd is wizzing because of SymantecCloud but not sure, gonna have to check w/my contact on that! So much for animating now, it's 427am and MP+ wants to sleep I guess...
edited by EEFilmz on 10/11/2015
10/11/2015 17:47:26

mystoMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 471
Clam wrote:
And lest we forget, Muvizu used to cost a lot more than it does now. At least, I think I remember that's the way it was. Whatever the case, it's a very inexpensive product in my humble opinion.

I purchased Muvizu when it cost $150. Now you can get it for $30. Am I upset? Not in the least! I think it's worth every penny they charge. I've been using Muvizu pretty much since it first came out and I and I'm glad to see all of the cool new things the Muvizu team have added to the software through the years.

I haven't posted any animations for quite awhile but I have been very busy working on and coming up with new ideas. Keep up the good work Team Muvizu!!!
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Home ? How Do I ...? ? Why can't I use my free Content Packs?