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Home ? General Discussion ? The Users content output store......errm promised?

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09/10/2015 16:46:17

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
I was quite excited by the promised content store, being created for muvizu users to flog stuff they have made. Is this really going to happen? when? what are the plans? what ideas have been formed?Throw us a meaty info bone.
Scotland aint gonna make the Euros you can concentrate your efforts.
09/10/2015 17:38:32

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
drewi wrote:
I was quite excited by the promised content store, being created for muvizu users to flog stuff they have made. Is this really going to happen? when? what are the plans? what ideas have been formed?Throw us a meaty info bone.
Scotland aint gonna make the Euros you can concentrate your efforts.

Probably after the keyframe system is implemented.
So... before christmas?
edited by MrDrWho13 on 09/10/2015
09/10/2015 17:39:59

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
It will happen but they need to sort out the backend first. This is new stuff to them so give them time to get it set up. I would assume they are also trying to integrate it with the steam workshop stuff since they put muvizu onto steam so more coded bits to go through. Then there is the legal mess to worry about which takes more time as someone has to write all the gobbly gook that goes with it so they can cover their butts appropriately.

Since the team is very small it wont happen overnight.

In the end if they said they will do it ....they will
edited by urbanlamb on 09/10/2015
09/10/2015 18:29:26

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
wow people are so impatient... it will get here when it gets here. we waited years for hand held attachments and they got here in the end. we waited while muvizu looked dead and buried and its just come back to life. good things come to those that wait apparently so ive heard. so this month, next month, next year, who cares as long as it happens. lifes to short to be worrying about such trivial things..................
09/10/2015 18:43:21

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
urbanlamb wrote:
It will happen but they need to sort out the backend first. This is new stuff to them so give them time to get it set up. I would assume they are also trying to integrate it with the steam workshop stuff since they put muvizu onto steam so more coded bits to go through. Then there is the legal mess to worry about which takes more time as someone has to write all the gobbly gook that goes with it so they can cover their butts appropriately.

Since the team is very small it wont happen overnight.

In the end if they said they will do it ....they will
edited by urbanlamb on 09/10/2015

cheers for that urban lamb and dr who, yeah the legal stuff makes sense and a valid reason things may take a bit of time, good to hear your thoughts on it.and i suppose the key frame wish may be a priority.

Right i get it now trivial... in comparison to animating.
edited by drewi on 09/10/2015
10/10/2015 14:28:35

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Though i suppose for myself and others who have received muvizu promotions on the subject and dont find it trivial it would be nice to hear some detail about how it is likely to proceed as long as thats ok with fazz68.Cool
10/10/2015 15:42:25

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786

they wont be giving full details I dont think as they are still thinking. They wont say when until they themselves know when so if there is no detail its because they dont know themselves.

However keep up with their blog. I have not tried lately but can you still upload free stuff? if so just carry on until they move forward with the next phase of their plan. They actually will have to build the site to accomodate the needs of the people using it. They have to decide if they are going to create a virtual currency or points or whatever or just use cash for it.. and its an affiliate type set up so they have to set that up as well.

Its a lot of work and I think there is like one person working on the backend to accomodate it so its gonna take time.
10/10/2015 16:07:37

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Yeah imagined it wasn't going to be straightforward,and was interested in the minutia.As you say there's a lot for them to consider.
11/10/2015 03:14:25

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
drewi wrote:
Though i suppose for myself and others who have received muvizu promotions on the subject and dont find it trivial it would be nice to hear some detail about how it is likely to proceed as long as thats ok with fazz68.Cool

dude i couldnt give a toss.
11/10/2015 11:19:29

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
cool dude.
26/10/2015 18:28:03

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Someone who couldn't give a toss about the store eh?
Then is complicit in releasing monitarised assets.

26/10/2015 18:32:50

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
yep and at this moment in time i still dont give a toss.

laugh your arse off at that as much as you like
26/10/2015 18:36:40

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Are you now privvy to the info i sought?
at least at a technical level or do you have to be part of some clique?
more laughs
edited by drewi on 26/10/2015
26/10/2015 18:37:09

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
Guys, chill. Really.
26/10/2015 18:44:22

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
drewi wrote:
Are you now privvy to the info i sought?
at least at a technical level or do you have to be part of some clique?
more laughs
edited by drewi on 26/10/2015

If you really want to sell content NOW that is muvizu compatible just go make some and sell it online wherever you want and carry on. There are a lot of sites that will let you set up shop. Renderosity is one of the most common that I remember off the tip of my head

another one is CGtrader . ShareCG, turbosquid.. I could go on lol.

Their store their rules. (whatever they are gonna be when we get there) .
okay my links work now.. I need to slow down when I post ..
edited by urbanlamb on 26/10/2015
26/10/2015 18:48:34

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
No!! what i really want is the info i requested in my first post without anyone generalising what my intentions may be.
i never expected non staff members to comment on the subject .was just hoping actual muvizu staff to speak.
My enquiry was as a result of Muvizu telling me about the store and suggesting i may want to remove free content.
Though all opinion is welcome even The dude who cares little about the store.errm? supposedly.
edited by drewi on 26/10/2015
26/10/2015 18:57:07

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
drewi wrote:
No!! what i really want is the info i requested in my first post without anyone generalising what my intentions may be.
i never expected non staff members to comment on the subject .was just hoping actual muvizu staff to speak.

If you want info directly from them send them a support ticket. As has been said before they will share info when *they* are ready to share it and not before. "is it done yet" wont make it come any faster. If they are not posting info its because *they* have none to share. Asking on here a community board where the peanut gallery posts wont get only staff answers.

Your encountering annoyance because your posting more then one thread asking. If you get silence you dont like that either so some of us answer. Asking repeatedly and bumping threads wont help you and that is what your doing. The thread was dead and gone you nuked it and replied to fazz one month later. Just relax if they have no info to post they wont answer and obviously they have no info to post.

26/10/2015 18:28:03Someone who couldn't give a toss about the store eh?
Then is complicit in releasing monitarised assets.


edited by urbanlamb on 26/10/2015
26/10/2015 19:03:24

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
urbanlamb wrote:
Your encountering annoyance because your posting more then one thread asking. If you get silence you dont like that either so some of us answer. Asking repeatedly and bumping threads wont help you and that is what your doing. The thread was dead and gone you nuked it and replied to fazz one month later. Just relax if they have no info to post they wont answer and obviously they have no info to post.

Phew, I thought I was going to have to break the news.
26/10/2015 19:06:46

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Well i did put it in the general discussion area
trying to avoid interrupting more serious technical matters involving Muvizu problems.
i didn't start the barbs and nastiness.
26/10/2015 19:15:55

DanimalMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 477
urbanlamb wrote:
Your encountering annoyance because your posting more then one thread asking. If you get silence you dont like that either so some of us answer. Asking repeatedly and bumping threads wont help you and that is what your doing. The thread was dead and gone you nuked it and replied to fazz one month later. Just relax if they have no info to post they wont answer and obviously they have no info to post.


There should be a "don't feed the trolls" smiley too...
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Home ? General Discussion ? The Users content output store......errm promised?