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09/03/2016 12:02:28

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
hey just noticed this .gotta be a good addition to ones tool box.
i clone 5 free today at 'give away of the day'
09/03/2016 13:37:16

Posts: 12
Cool, thanks!
09/03/2016 14:05:14

Posts: 110
Thank you for sharing Good Posting
09/03/2016 15:24:55

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
I snagged it, but I have to admit I am not entirely comfortable with it... why does this company give stuff away? There doesn't appear to be any secondary compensation for them. Has anybody installed software from this site in the past?
09/03/2016 16:43:42

Posts: 51
Loss leader so to speak....if you like version 5, maybe you'll upgrade to version 6.
This site has been around since 2005 and gets about 15 million visitors a month.

09/03/2016 17:15:22

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
Steam also gives away games free for a day sometimes - I got Left For Dead 2 like that, just noticed it on Steam one day. For this one you have to create a (free) account with Reallusion, and you can't upgrade this version to 6.

Got it, installed it, everyone should do the same. It's free people!
edited by ziggy72 on 09/03/2016
Thanks Drewi!!
edited by ziggy72 on 09/03/2016
09/03/2016 17:34:04

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
I dont know the rules they are applying but i am assuming it makes you a "customer" which immediately makes you eligeable for member pricing which is usually a huge chunk off the ticket price and is also the "upgrade" price. The way iclone works is you login and the pages with iclone 6 software or whatever will update to the upgrade pricing. They dont have an "upgrade" version they just discount the iclone 6 version to what it would be for an upgrade price

Members are redirected to this page
for instance the member/upgrade price for me for iclone 6 pro is $119.00

I am assuming that this deal will make you an automatic member so that your eligeable for upgrade pricing and not paying the full wack. However if you want to use iclone and not be restricted your going to need to go for the iclone pro + 3dexchange pro package not just iclone which is just the engine and assets which you purchase and install. (well unless your not interested in importing anything then just get iclone pro)
edited by urbanlamb on 09/03/2016
09/03/2016 18:23:39

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
On that page I'm shown as a CTA2TrialUser so the price is $199 for Pro - I'm not a proper member, apparently... but that's cool, it still gives me a chance to see how iclone works up close and personal like
09/03/2016 19:16:42

Posts: 286
Nice, thanks!
09/03/2016 19:43:17

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
ziggy72 wrote:
On that page I'm shown as a CTA2TrialUser so the price is $199 for Pro - I'm not a proper member, apparently... but that's cool, it still gives me a chance to see how iclone works up close and personal like

did you register your iclone 5 and crap? along with that you fill in some account info and become a member.

The way to get the biggest bang for your buck is to purchase one piece of software from them like say crazytalk standard and then your automatically eligeable for lots of discounts unless you are watching for one of their huge specials which they have often. There is no reason to pay full price if you watch their sales lol.
09/03/2016 19:48:07

Posts: 286
Yeah, $199 is the regular price for trial users. No discount there.
09/03/2016 20:45:25

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
ohhh... OK... previous version to get more customers interested in the product.. that makes perfect sense and makes the download seem less like a trojan horse offer that nobody can refuse.

For those of you who like to make the Dreamworks -type animations, this is probably the right product for you. I'm basically a cartoonist looking for ways to animate my comic ideas, so the cartoonized actions and potato headed characters in Muvizu are perfect for my use.

It seems to me that for those who want more, the time saved in animation could easily get lost again in creating custom content. In contrast, there appears to be an abundance of relatively inexpensive and high quality content available for iClone. People who want to work in that environment might never need to make anything themselves.

But if they want to, they still can.

Bottom line, this is a no-brainer acquisition. Even at full price, Iclone seems to offer a pretty amazing cost / benefit ratio.

Damn. I'm too old for another software learning curve. Every time I think I'm ready to roll, something new comes along....
09/03/2016 20:47:29

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
thanks, Drew, for posting this! I think you're right about it being another useful tool in the ol' creative toolbox
09/03/2016 21:02:26

Posts: 286
I almost bought iClone6 recently, so this is pretty cool to have for free. My issue that prevented the purchase is that it costs a lot to get the product features to the point of creating your own comic characters and exhanging files with the outside world. The advice to get something liek Crazytake cheap and then get bigger discounts is what I had heard as well, so I eventually plan to get that, then wait for a killer sale. Now to see what it can bring to my Muvizu creations... I have DAZ, Poser, Blender, Muvizu... kinda swimming in apps right now, and the one thing that limits me is really writer's block. It definitely isn't lack of technology.
09/03/2016 21:38:19

toonaramaMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 661
Here's a version comparison between Iclone 5 Standard and Pro but as Urbanlamb states you really need 3dxchange as well (to import stuff) unless you are prepared to spend lots in the content store and marketplace. I wish they would sell Muvizu animations on there.
edited by toonarama on 09/03/2016
09/03/2016 21:53:49

Posts: 286
I think the character creator and the toon packs also are necessary to make iClone into what I need, and once you get all that you have spent so much more than Muvizu to get something certainly able to surpass Muvizu but also something much more complicated. I'm stoked to have it, but I can't see it replacing Muvizu for what it does best, and definitely not comparable in price. Muvizu just needs more character content. Getting FBX props into Muvizu is easy, it is the characters that we can't create, and it is characters that I really need. A character creator addon for a premium price or something would be really welcome. Besides this, I think Muvizu should try searching through the Unity store for content developers and try and get them to release Muvizu-tailored collections through Muvizu's store. That would go a long way to making people see the scope of things possible in Muvize. Regarding props, they need some way to allow props to have connected but animatable doors, any FBX prop can do this in most other programs, but an FBX with doors won't work in this platform. Anyhow, bottom line, I'm rooting for Muvizu and I hope more content gets flowing, it has been months since the Chinese History set, which was excellent, more stuff like that from history and Muvizu gets more and more attractive for education and just more fun. A jungle set and assorted plants and stuff, an animated bird, really limited maybe, but make some things that just let you move eyes and heads, that should be easy to get going, mo animations to bake in, it would be really helpful. Anyhow, rambling, sorry. This is useful for all Muvizu'ers I think:
09/03/2016 21:58:30

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
there are a lot of "new things" not in iclone 5 and the lighting in iclone 5 is a bit well not great although you can get it to work semi okay with some effort its just quite limited. However function wise they both work almost the same so dont take iclone 5 as being the features of iclone 6 .. that being said if you dont have a new pc and by new i mean a pc with a good cpu and a high end graphics card and by that i mean one with a minimum of 4 gig of ram that runs on the newer processors it wont be working very well for you.

I had a 660ti in my pc when i installed iclone 6 and it was not powerful enough so by new i mean very new like recently new

my currect pc which runs iclone 6 well is an new generation i7 with 6 quad cores, 16 gig of ram seems plenty although I guess if i added 32 it wouldnt hurt and my card is an nvidia 970. My previous system (the one that did not run it well had an older generation i7 , 12 gig of ram and an nvidia 660ti and it did not run iclone 6 well at all) so fair warning your pc has to be very modern

anyhow here is the feature matrix for the new iclone 6 and the 3d exchanges

It will run on lower end pc's but you wont be happy. So I say this so people understand you need to be able to afford a good pc or your gonna waste a lot of money and be complaining of crashes and bugs which are actually a result of the hardware your using. There are of course other bugs but iclone 6 is designed for up-to-date hardware.
edited by urbanlamb on 10/03/2016
09/03/2016 22:08:28

Posts: 286
I ran the demo fine on a 3 year old 4 core i7 3770 w 8GB RAM, and a Geforce GTX750. Of course that was just the demo and not a hectic production situation, but I am guessing it may be the video card more than the CPU that is taxing. The updated lights would explain that really.
09/03/2016 22:08:56

Posts: 286
But yeah, I need to invest in more RAM.
09/03/2016 23:46:35

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
this discussion reminds me of one I saw recently on a musician's forum where people were talking about how many guitars were "enough." ... and as I get older, the question of "enoughness" is on my mind quite often.

There is actually an answer to the question that's more than just how one feels at the moment... it pertains to the result you want to achieve.
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