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Home ? How Do I ...? ? 2 middle buttons for moving sideways and verticall

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11/05/2016 01:40:20

Posts: 50
I am using a laptop is there a work around so that I can use the 2 button mouse press with my touch pad?
11/05/2016 11:29:20

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
I recently bought a laptop which doesn't have two independent buttons below the touch pad area, ie, you cant press the left and right buttons simultaneously, only one at a time.I just assumed the laptop would have such functionality..really stupid of me.You can plug in a mouse to overcome this but I bought a laptop to use on my lap not to be perched at a desk area.
My work around is to use a prog called mouse emulator.
I use it successfully alongside the less than functional touch pad and button area of my new(bobbins) laptop.

The program recognizes the following keys: (NumLock must be ON!)
  • Keypad 1 - Left mouse button
  • Keypad 2 - Right mouse button
  • Keypad 3 - Middle mouse button
  • Keypad 4, 5, 6, 8 - Moves the mouse left, down, right and/or up respectively.
  • Keypad 7 - Mousewheel up (Scroll)
  • Keypad 9 - Mousewheel down (Scroll)
  • Keypad / - Toggle Left mouse button (Useful for RSI users)
  • Keypad * - Toggle Right mouse button (Useful for RSI users)
  • Keypad - - Toggle Middle mouse button (Useful for RSI users)
  • You can exit Mouse Emulator by right clicking on the mouse icon in the taskbar.
    edited by drewi on 11/05/2016
    15/05/2016 13:13:25

    Posts: 50
    awesome thanks man !!!
    15/05/2016 14:13:22

    PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
    Posts: 1738
    While we're on the topic of crazy outside the box ways to send key combinations to the computer, Here's a little gizmo I use in my music act to switch from song to song without taking my hands off the guitar:

    It provides 3 foot switches, each of which can be configured to send any keystroke, including combinations with control alt,. shift etc. You can use it for all sorts of situations where you need to work quickly when using software. And it's not all that expensive.
    15/05/2016 14:19:12

    PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
    Posts: 1738
    a more expensive solution is a spaceball controller, which is generally found in engineering or graphic arts shops where 3D modelling is done:

    edited by PatMarrNC on 15/05/2016
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    Home ? How Do I ...? ? 2 middle buttons for moving sideways and verticall