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Home ? Tech Help ? Unable To Use License Key

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24/02/2017 19:49:12

Posts: 8
I have just purchased a license key for Muvizu+ and I get an error code 'E2'. Code indicates that it has a problem upgrading.
I've followed the solution of running the program as Administrator but that doesn't work.
Only minutes later and I am now receiving an error code that my key has been used to it max numbers of activation, but my Muvizu is still in trial mode.

I email support yesterday evening and have yet to hear a response. Is turn around for support tickets usually over 18 hours?

Thank you very much in advance for your help!
24/02/2017 21:18:55

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
Strange, running as admin usually fixes that. Anyway now you're getting W2 you'll need to wait for a reply. They only work mon-fri 9-5 uk time because it's a small company so don't expect a reply before Monday.
edited by MrDrWho13 on 24/02/2017
24/02/2017 23:56:23

Posts: 8
MrDrWho13 wrote:
Strange, running as admin usually fixes that. Anyway now you're getting W2 you'll need to wait for a reply. They only work mon-fri 9-5 uk time because it's a small company so don't expect a reply before Monday.
edited by MrDrWho13 on 24/02/2017

I see, I appreciate the info! The waiting game it is
19/04/2017 20:52:44

Posts: 6
I am having the same problem of error e2 since 8th of april and till now I haven't received any help. Simply they have decided to not reply!
23/04/2017 10:53:30

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Wondering if it's safe to still purchase character sets.Anyone done that in the last few days?
23/04/2017 11:00:47

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
drewi wrote:
Wondering if it's safe to still purchase character sets.Anyone done that in the last few days?

The official word is it should work, and if you want to buy one - buy it quick! (Although maybe try a cheap one first to make sure it works?)
The E2 error is on your computer's end so it should be independent of the licencing server. (Although error W2 is the end of the line for the keys now)
23/04/2017 12:23:03

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
cheers for the reply mr drwho13. but on reflection i'm too frightened of losing muvizu now.
23/04/2017 12:26:10

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
drewi wrote:
cheers for the reply mr drwho13. but on reflection i'm too frightened of losing muvizu now.

A lot of the community are migrating to Zuchat:
Your copy of Muvizu should continue working until you replace the computer without any interaction with the server.
23/04/2017 14:25:17

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Forgive me for labouring the point but i was about to buy two character packs 5.99 each.A trembling finger on the pay to digimania....
when i got the fear!!!
Am i right in thinking that if i did go ahead and purchase, that would alter my product code and i'd have to click the upgrade button in Muvizu and enter the new code....but it might come back with an error code and i would lose Muvizu for ever and ever.....gulp!!...whimper!!
Have joined zuchat now.
23/04/2017 16:24:08

Posts: 110
I have been busy buying the things I did not have already and downloading all the free things too.

Buying, downloading and installing i.e. the Chinese history pack yesterday went well - no problems.
23/04/2017 17:42:54

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
ritsmer wrote:
I have been busy buying the things I did not have already and downloading all the free things too.

Buying, downloading and installing i.e. the Chinese history pack yesterday went well - no problems.

that's good to know! A lot of others have expressed an interest in buying things but until now nobody knew if it would work! Thanks for letting us know it works!
23/04/2017 17:49:05

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
drewi wrote:
Forgive me for labouring the point but i was about to buy two character packs 5.99 each.A trembling finger on the pay to digimania....
when i got the fear!!!
Am i right in thinking that if i did go ahead and purchase, that would alter my product code and i'd have to click the upgrade button in Muvizu and enter the new code....but it might come back with an error code and i would lose Muvizu for ever and ever.....gulp!!...whimper!!
Have joined zuchat now.

there have been times in the past when I had run out of activations, so when I bought a new pack, the activation failed. As I recall, Muvizu still worked, but the pack didn't until Jamie increased my number of allowed activations.

I guess it all depends on how willing you are to risk the price of a character pack. If you are already out of activations, there's nobody on the Muvizu side to help you out. But chances are good that you still have activations left, in which case you should get the same results as Ritsmer.

I wish there was a way for us to see how many activations we have left... that would be very helpful right now...
edited by PatMarrNC on 23/04/2017
24/10/2017 01:51:56

Posts: 5

it is October 2017 and my HD crasched, so I needed to reinstall Muvizu (this time on Win10, no XP anymore..)

I cannot upgrade to plus version again, getting a "w1" error code!

Any clue what to do? I learned they are "Under Administration" and no support, etc. but i really really want to continue this great (purchased) product!

Lots of educational projects ahead...

Help! :-)

24/10/2017 04:55:19

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
RobinPRDM wrote:

it is October 2017 and my HD crasched, so I needed to reinstall Muvizu (this time on Win10, no XP anymore..)

I cannot upgrade to plus version again, getting a "w1" error code!

Any clue what to do? I learned they are "Under Administration" and no support, etc. but i really really want to continue this great (purchased) product!

Lots of educational projects ahead...

Help! :-)


I don't remember what causes error W1. I would expect error W3 unless they've changed something on the server. (The new company are working on setting it up.)
At the moment it's a waiting game while Meshmellow (Who recently bought the rights to Muvizu) get everything up and running unless you can recover the Muvizu folder from your dead drive.
24/10/2017 16:44:43

Posts: 5
Thank you very much for the info!, so it is patients with a little bit of hope...

I rechecked today, it's still "W1" as error.

So, getting the folder from the dead drive...that will be expensive.. , but before using such service I will look through my Backup (images), maybe i am lucky and can retrive that folder from a backup...

Do I then copy the complete old folder content over the newly installed on the new HD? Or just a specific (licence?) files?

Anyway, I will inform what happens next, when it happens.
24/10/2017 17:47:34

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
RobinPRDM wrote:
Thank you very much for the info!, so it is patients with a little bit of hope...

I rechecked today, it's still "W1" as error.

So, getting the folder from the dead drive...that will be expensive.. , but before using such service I will look through my Backup (images), maybe i am lucky and can retrive that folder from a backup...

Do I then copy the complete old folder content over the newly installed on the new HD? Or just a specific (licence?) files?

Anyway, I will inform what happens next, when it happens.

If it's the same computer using the new drive, you should only need to copy over the playplus.lic file to the same place in the new folder and it should reactivate.
25/10/2017 22:19:28

Posts: 4
Eu tenho uma licença Muvizu ativo, mas ao tentar atualizar o programa eu recebo a mensagem: Código de erro: w3. como resolver isso?
Obrigado por qualquer ajuda.
25/10/2017 22:21:49

Posts: 4
fabiovisq wrote:
Eu tenho uma licença Muvizu ativo, mas ao tentar atualizar o programa eu recebo a mensagem: Código de erro: w3. como resolver isso?
Obrigado por qualquer ajuda.

I have an active muvizu license but when trying to update the program I get the message: error code: w3. how to solve this?
Thanks for any help.
thank you
26/10/2017 02:47:03

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
fabiovisq wrote:
fabiovisq wrote:
Eu tenho uma licença Muvizu ativo, mas ao tentar atualizar o programa eu recebo a mensagem: Código de erro: w3. como resolver isso?
Obrigado por qualquer ajuda.

I have an active muvizu license but when trying to update the program I get the message: error code: w3. how to solve this?
Thanks for any help.
thank you

You can't fix error W3, you need to wait until the company, who recently bought the rights to Muvizu, get the activation server up and running.
29/10/2017 16:18:48

Posts: 20
Muvizu BS bought code does not, try to submit a help ticket and it says try later
Muvizu crooks!
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Home ? Tech Help ? Unable To Use License Key