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Home ? Importing Assets ? Asset Uploading

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29/03/2020 03:28:13

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Is it still ok to upload assets? Been trying but although it says successful, its not appearing in the Uploaded asset area.Its a free asset.
29/03/2020 22:45:57

DigiFactorMuvizu mogulMuvizu staff
Posts: 135
Yea you'r able to upload assets now, I made a few new uploads last month and they was approved, I think right now meshmellow is going through a lot and hasn't have time to approve anymore yet, I'm still waiting for few more of mine to be approved.
29/03/2020 23:33:18

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Cheers for that Didge... gee whizzeroon yeah! overlooked the geographical element here.
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Home ? Importing Assets ? Asset Uploading