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Muvizu chat

    • Over a year ago
    • There are not UV-Texture maps for the new character Mandy? -By the way, if Muvizu team are working in a new character, must be a man of normal contexture, not so big like Beefy or so thin like Sinister...
      • Over a year ago by ziggy72
      • They haven't released the UVs for Mandy yet, on account of her being new I guess.
      • 5 months ago by acname
      • There are many levels in Geometry Dash, and each one has its own theme and sounds. It's easy to very hard, so players of all skill levels can enjoy it.
      • 1 week ago by asabinn
      • is a free online multiplayer drawing and guessing game where players take turns sketching a word while others try to guess it as quickly as possible.
    • Over a year ago
    • I am a very happy LICENCED Muvizer!
      Now I can create and import my own 3D stuff not only for the hands, also for the rest of the configurable parts: feet, arms, hat, hair, everything! And now I can say goodbay to the watermark and render in HD!!!
      • Over a year ago by MrDrWho13
      • Congratulations!
      • Over a year ago by Valero
      • Atacar, what do you mean by: "not only for the hands, also for the rest of the configurable parts: feet, arms, hat, hair, everything! ", I ask because I'm thinking of upgrading to Play+
      • Over a year ago by atacar
      • Valero, you can import .obj or .fxb objects and use it into the desired part of the character: hand, feet, as hair, a new hat by example, face mask, belt... Every configurable parts of the characters. I will upload a screenshots when I have time 4 u!