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Home ? Your Videos ? Stitched in Time Team

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06/10/2011 18:05:04

DyllyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 555

This is my latest clip made with a lot of help and encouragement from my daughter Holly. As a former archaeologist I suppose I do occasionally go off the deep end when Time Team is on, says something’high status’, or ‘we are here at the invitation of a local archaeological interest group’. Perhaps it’s sour grapes on my part for having a face for radio and a voice for print...
On the thoroughly enjoyable learning curve that is Muvizu I would love to see Muvizu fitted with multiple sound tracks...three for effects and two for music and a further two for background music...oh and how about a button you can click that ‘makes movies just like, Ziggy,Dreeko and Danimal’ or, or , or one where you type in what you want to happen and then Muvizu does all the work while writing your oscar nomination speech? Just a few ideas!
edited by Dylly on 06/10/2011
06/10/2011 22:00:24

DreekoMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1257

You've really embraced all the features of Muvizu and used them to their full potential. Really funny video. I loved the scene at the front door where the blood spatter appeared behind the wife.

First class effort. Another Muvizu star is born!

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Home ? Your Videos ? Stitched in Time Team