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23/10/2012 18:08:35

Posts: 11
Greetings all!

I've been trying to get my first video out but am having a bear of a time with it. I have several clips from Muvizu that I have rendered and am trying to edit them in Sony Vegas Pro Version 12. When I import a Muvizu clip, it plays fine. ONce I move the clip, trim the clip, insert a transition or create a video fade between two clips the clip becomes pizelated. Sometimes the it will correct itself but more time than not, the clip now becomes pixelated at the transition. Also sometimes the clip that is fading in will be totally balnk for a few sconds and then the video will show. I've tried all different types of output formats, I've disabled video acceleration during previewing, i've tried to double render and a bunch of other tricks I've read about on the interwebs. I figured I'm come on here since I can't have ben to only person havnig this issue. My computer specs are prety decent so it doesn't seem like it's a hardware issue, I'm guessing it's more a codec issue. Specs are listed below:

Computer (laptop):

  • 2.3GHz Intel Core i7-3610QM Quad-Core
  • 16GB of DDR3 RAM
  • 1.5TB ExpressCache Hard Drive
  • nVIDIA GeForce GTX 675M Graphics (2GB)
  • Muvizu videos rendered with the following settings:

    1280x 720 hd720
    Xcode Mpeg-codec
    Profile level -Xvid hd 1080
    Single pass
    Target quantizer 4.00
    Anti aliasing checked on
    Using Direct X 9

    Using Muvizu version MZASS-v0.22b - build: 2012.09.11.01R (64-bit) DX9

    In Sony Vegas I have set up my project as HD 1080-24p
    I've tried Pixel format 8 bit and both 32 bit options to no avail.

    I've also checked the option to make the project the same as the imported clips to no avail.

    I've treid rendering in all sorts of methods; as hd-720 with mpeg codec, Hd-1080-24p, Sony avc, Main concept avc Internet 720p & 1080p and nothign seems to work.

    If anyone can give me some help it woul dbe GREEEEATLY appreciated. I'm wondering if I should hcange codecs, but have heard nightmares about changing codecs. I can make movies just fine and render them in Muvizu with the codec, I just can't edit without pixelization. Bummer....
    23/10/2012 18:26:03

    (Account inactive)
    Posts: 1786
    This is kinda outside of muvizu realm but from experience I can tell you that xvid is not a good codec to use.

    I export in an uncompressed format from muvizu I find that any codecs I install really messes up the clips I am working with. Then I tend to only use h264. I have had horrible experience with xvid it just simply is not a good codec unless you pay for their commercial grade package. Just my two cents but since your using sony vegas do they have "blu ray" format? as that uses the h264 codec and it works well
    23/10/2012 20:01:00

    Posts: 51
    I had the same problem--very frustrating! Urbanlamb has the correct answer; export in uncompressed format from Muvizu.
    23/10/2012 20:22:51

    ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
    Posts: 1988
    Yup, I use Vegas 11 with Muvizu's iYUV codec and they're just fine - using an uncompressed file always gives you a better result. One question though - why output the project at 1080 when Muvizu can only put out 720? Seems a bit wasteful
    23/10/2012 20:46:46

    DreekoMuvizu mogulExperimental user
    Posts: 1257
    As mentioned in the previous posts, xvid is horrible to edit with as the dreaded pixelmatosis happens. When rendering from muvizu I choose the ffdshow codec and select motion jpeg (mjpeg).

    I only use xvid when rendering out the FINAL edit from sony vegas as the file size is nice and small for youtube..

    23/10/2012 20:51:12

    (Account inactive)
    Posts: 1786
    Hehe looks like this is what everyone does

    The uncompressed is really easy to work with then use a codec from your sony package at the end (this really applies to any video editing software you use .. in my case its corel hehe)

    Just remember that if your going for uncompressed that your clips are limited to 1 minute long.
    23/10/2012 22:11:28

    Posts: 11
    Good gravy!!! You guys are awesome. It's pretty unreal how helpful this community is. So it looks like uncompressed is the way to go. I guess I'll have some pretty big files though. So is urbanlamb correct that you can only generate uncompressed clips at a maximum length of 1minute? That seems awefully cumbersome. Any workaround on this asdie from being smart with camera shot riiiight around the 1 minute mark ?

    Ziggy - I had read somewhere on a forum that if you increased resolution to a maximum output it would help. Initally the video settings at 720p just like in Muvizu. Then I tried just about everything hoping it would work to no avail. Just wishful thinking on my part.

    Thanks again guys. I just may get my first vid out after all!
    23/10/2012 22:20:08

    (Account inactive)
    Posts: 1786
    haha you can make your 20 minute long movie in muvizu the problem is the uncompressed clips are so huge that anything longer then 1 minute your pc will not want to play it that is why I say 1 minute. Its a "windows pc thing" lol. You can in fact render the entire 20 minute clip from muvizu but your pc will choke on it and says its not recognizable. So the cure is to limit the clip to 1 minute (2 gigs) so i make my clips all 1.99 gigs which is about 1 minute
    edited by urbanlamb on 23/10/2012
    23/10/2012 22:43:20

    Posts: 11
    urbanlamb wrote:
    haha you can make your 20 minute long movie in muvizu the problem is the uncompressed clips are so huge that anything longer then 1 minute your pc will not want to play it that is why I say 1 minute. Its a "windows pc thing" lol. You can in fact render the entire 20 minute clip from muvizu but your pc will choke on it and says its not recognizable. So the cure is to limit the clip to 1 minute (2 gigs) so i make my clips all 1.99 gigs which is about 1 minute
    edited by urbanlamb on 23/10/2012

    Aaaaaah.... Now I seeCool Most of my clips are 2-3mins. Looks like it's all about changing camera shots.

    Thanks again!
    23/10/2012 22:59:46

    (Account inactive)
    Posts: 1786
    yes just chop your movie up into 1 minute bits with a little lag time in strategic areas and in your sony vegas edit it together. The other solution is to make your clips lower quality but your first post your looking to make something HD so your back to large files
    01/11/2012 18:47:23

    Posts: 11
    Hey guys many many thanks again! Using the uncompressed format worked like a charm. Unreal how nice it was not to see tiling! The only issue I had was that when I used the xvid codec my clips seemed to be much more detailed and crisp. I used the iYUV codec at 720p and it worked well, but the clips didn't look as sharp. I'm just wondering if there were any settings or somethign that I was missing. The video is presentable as is but looked a bit better with the xvid codec (aside from teh nasty tiling). THanks again guys at least I have a video I can finally post!
    02/11/2012 01:28:37

    (Account inactive)
    Posts: 1786
    Everyones system is a bit different the iYUV codec actually has not great quality for me but I have a webcam that makes uncompressed video that I use instead as it insalled a new codec on my system that plays nicer with my graphics card. I dont know of any settings there is a bit of trial and error involved I haven't tried the iYUV codec lately and I only recently replaced my graphics card so its possible the quality is higher. It could be a graphic driver issue giving lower quality something needing tweeking maybe someone else will know haha . Maybe direct X settings?

    Before I replaced my webcam I only had the iYUV to work with and it was the best option. The codec that works really well for me is made by logitech and comes with their HD webcams so maybe you can find something online you can install. I think codecs is sort of hit and miss for rendering off things like muvizu.
    edited by urbanlamb on 02/11/2012
    02/11/2012 02:48:11

    WozToonsExperimental user
    Posts: 494
    If you are using Vegas why record 1 minute or longer clips from Muvizu. Break the movie down into little parts ( storyboard ), take as many shots of the same scene from different camera angles as you need and then stitch it all together in Vegas. It's a quicker way of working.

    I use .tga sequence from Muvizu then Main Concept from Vegas. Keep everything at 1280x720 all the way through the process. Don't upscale or downscale. When you have finished the movie don't forget to delete the raw frames.

    Just my way of working, hope this helps.
    13/10/2013 22:26:51

    Posts: 520
    I know this thread is old but thought I'd just add, if you are using Sony Vegas make sure you select all of the video clips, right click choose 'switches' and ensure 'disable resampling' is selected before rendering. It can make a huge difference especially if you have cameras panning while an actor is also moving.
    edited by primaveranz on 13/10/2013
    20/01/2014 15:41:02

    Posts: 27
    ziggy72 wrote:
    Yup, I use Vegas 11 with Muvizu's iYUV codec and they're just fine - using an uncompressed file always gives you a better result. One question though - why output the project at 1080 when Muvizu can only put out 720? Seems a bit wasteful

    was the above quote made before muvizu was able to output at 1080?
    20/01/2014 15:42:06

    Posts: 27
    primaveranz wrote:
    I know this thread is old but thought I'd just add, if you are using Sony Vegas make sure you select all of the video clips, right click choose 'switches' and ensure 'disable resampling' is selected before rendering. It can make a huge difference especially if you have cameras panning while an actor is also moving.
    edited by primaveranz on 13/10/2013

    can sony vegas natively edit a muvizu file, as in a .set file?
    20/01/2014 15:58:20

    (Account inactive)
    Posts: 763
    no. why would it? two totally different programs that do totally different things. unless theres some magical thing im missing and i can make muvizu sets in sony vegas
    20/01/2014 18:53:29

    ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
    Posts: 1988
    ninamag wrote:
    ziggy72 wrote:
    Yup, I use Vegas 11 with Muvizu's iYUV codec and they're just fine - using an uncompressed file always gives you a better result. One question though - why output the project at 1080 when Muvizu can only put out 720? Seems a bit wasteful

    was the above quote made before muvizu was able to output at 1080?

    Yes - 720 was the highest you could export a movie out until Play+ came along, which now allows 1080.

    Having said that, I no longer use movie codecs at all, and use TGA sequences instead (to avoid the dreaded 2gb file size limit, which at 1080 you hit after about 20 seconds of footage).
    edited by ziggy72 on 20/01/2014
    20/01/2014 18:57:50

    Posts: 27
    ziggy72 wrote:
    I no longer use movie codecs at all, and use TGA sequences instead (to avoid the dreaded 2gb file size limit, which at 1080 you hit after about 20 seconds of footage).
    edited by ziggy72 on 20/01/2014

    you mean muvizu does not use by default TGA? If so, how does one manually use TGA instead of movie codecs?
    20/01/2014 19:00:38

    Posts: 27
    fazz68 wrote:
    no. why would it? two totally different programs that do totally different things. unless theres some magical thing im missing and i can make muvizu sets in sony vegas

    without being able to "make muvizu in sony vegas", one should be able to open muvizu .set files in vegas (at least i think it is programmably possible, if the programmers want it so).
    20/01/2014 19:10:05

    Posts: 520
    ninamag wrote:

    without being able to "make muvizu in sony vegas", one should be able to open muvizu .set files in vegas (at least i think it is programmably possible, if the programmers want it so).

    It isn't possible. Vegas is a video editing software package, Muvizu is a 3D animation creation tool with a proprietary file type .SET. It would be like trying to use a vegetable juicer to build a bicycle.
    20/01/2014 19:11:44

    ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
    Posts: 1988
    ninamag wrote:
    ziggy72 wrote:
    I no longer use movie codecs at all, and use TGA sequences instead (to avoid the dreaded 2gb file size limit, which at 1080 you hit after about 20 seconds of footage).
    edited by ziggy72 on 20/01/2014

    you mean muvizu does not use by default TGA? If so, how does one manually use TGA instead of movie codecs?

    When you go to make your movie, you have options - output it as a movie or as a TGA sequence. It's in a drop down box.
    20/01/2014 19:12:14

    (Account inactive)
    Posts: 1786
    ninamag wrote:
    fazz68 wrote:
    no. why would it? two totally different programs that do totally different things. unless theres some magical thing im missing and i can make muvizu sets in sony vegas

    without being able to "make muvizu in sony vegas", one should be able to open muvizu .set files in vegas (at least i think it is programmably possible, if the programmers want it so).

    The assets are openable in any software the sets are not and should not be since the entire purpose of muvizu is to be a render engine. Also any animations would be impossible as sony vegas is just a film editor. Set files are created so we can make videos or targa sequences for use which sony vegas has no issue with. The set is a means to an end but if one says open sets in vegas then why not just avoid and bypass muvizu altogether . The reality is though no vegas would not be able to handle this information lighting, animations, objects. After affects and a few other programs can handle some 3d single objects that is as far as it goes though.
    20/01/2014 19:14:08

    Posts: 520
    ninamag wrote:

    you mean muvizu does not use by default TGA? If so, how does one manually use TGA instead of movie codecs?

    No it doesn't, because in most cases it would be overkill.

    Check out the "Make Video"/ "Advanced" options. Also try watching the How-to-tutorials in the Help section.
    29/09/2016 19:51:19

    Posts: 12
    I use Sony Vegas pro exclusively. I output Muvizu in the regular MP4 format and it loads right into Vegas with no problems. I output in Vegas in Mainconcept avc and it always works like a charm with any file I throw at it.

    Well I feel stupid as a newbie answering a 4 year old question. LOL I will leave it here anyway.
    edited by daddycoolj on 29/09/2016
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