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28/10/2012 20:11:54

DreekoMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1257

What is this magical number I hear you ask?

...Well if you wish a camera to move along side a walking character then this is the speed setting required for the camera movement to match the characters pace.

Running speed to follow..
28/10/2012 22:04:59

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
Ah, very good to know, but at which scale? 1.0 I'd imagine, but if you scale up or down then that number will change, methinks... Also, I'd have thought that a walking Sad character would move slower than a walking Happy character... Now that you come to mention it, there's a lot of leeway for speeds in Muvizu. Maybe we need a chart of walking/running speeds that cross reference the moods too - and a seperate one altogether for the Heroes, of course! Could you put those worms back in the can, D?
29/10/2012 11:15:55

DreekoMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1257
Free the worms!

Yes the scale was as default for the character and variations for sad walk etc are aspects to consider too, but it's a starting point!

The way round all the jiggery pokery would be to have camera tracking/targeting as a feature obviously but alas we don't have it yet so till then...
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