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Home ? Your Videos ? Again, my latest Video didn't make it to Muvizu.

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02/10/2013 18:59:56

chucklesExperimental user
Posts: 126
Once again, my latest Animation has not made it to Muvizu!

I understand that it is not Muvizu's fault,
but surely there must be somebody somewhere, to ask why some can go on and some not!
I am NOT disputing the Copyright Claims.

These are the Muvizu Animations, I did this year, that had "Third- Party" Content.
Five went on Muvizu and Three did not. It seems that acknowledging them makes no difference.
So how can you ever know which will or will not be shown on Muvizu ?
They ALL are on Youtube with no restrictions!
Thanks to Urbanlamb, and Ian for previous comments, but it does not explain the complete inconsistency of it all.

The Three Mooners HD
2 October 2013 7:35
Edit Matched third-party content. NO

Star Trek Stoned HD
25 September 2013 19:45
Edit Acknowledged third party content. NO

Max Miller - Cheeky Chappie HD
7 September 2013 6:54
Edit Acknowledged third party content. YES

Bohemian Rocks HD
21 May 2013 6:33
Edit Acknowledged third party content. YES

Rosie Lee - Wang Dang Doodle HD
18 April 2013 9:51
Edit Acknowledged third party content. NO

Weathered Women - Raining Men HD
14 April 2013 11:20
Edit Acknowledged third party content. YES

Tommy Cooper - Hyena Joke HD
31 January 2013 12:52
Edit Matched third-party content. YES

Nutty Squirrels HD
24 January 2013 13:52
Edit Acknowledged third party content. YES
02/10/2013 20:55:34

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
you have to go to the owner of the tracks and ask their permission to unblock it. Youtube is a middle man. Likely they will ask big bucks to unblock it but look at the listing on your youtube account and search it up. This is mostly a syndication issue likely revolving around the artists wish to not spend money on certain types of licenses. The track is his after all and whether you are disputing it or not if you dont ask before borrowing these issues occur.

click the link in the copyrighted area and look for the info and then do a web search and email or write to the people. In this case though since its an issue with a third party site i am unsure what you can do. Because he is blocking muvizu not the video so it would seem to me that muvizu would have to ask which I dont think they should be in such a position because they are just hosting the video.

also check your syndication tab have you selected to syndicate it everywhere?

if it says everywhere its the artist contact him as he is the one to ask

i tried to reply to your email but your spamguard have my blacklisted as spam anyhow

here is an example again without actually seeing your account and seeing exactly who is claiming once no one can say for sure

this one Star Trek Stoned HD is the work of william shatner who is very much alive and managed by a big music company you need to research it specifically to find out why its blocked I would say this is a legitimate claim

this one Max Miller - Cheeky Chappie HD - I can't say for sure but it looks like max miller has a lot of work in the public domain is that particular track in the public domain? i dont kow I have not listened to a lot of his stuff and would have to research it if it is in the public domain this is not a valid claim even you can dispute it and get it unblocked.

really the only way your going to find out the reasons why is to research them all and research how copyrights are handled and how the youtube interface is working.

copyright law is not exactly cut and dry
edited by urbanlamb on 02/10/2013
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Home ? Your Videos ? Again, my latest Video didn't make it to Muvizu.