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Home ? Characters ? custom character and action , Muvizu style

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09/04/2017 23:40:25

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
I needed a fiddle player, a dobro player and an upright bass player for a bluegrass band of squirrels in my current SKWERLEFEST production... but as you know, the built-in musician actions don't cover any of those. So I decided to make my own. (based on Rodrisilva's multi-mesh animation technique)

The following is a 2 minute video showing how I made the upright bass player, but they're all basically the same procedure. The video goes pretty fast, as I intended it to be a quick overview on what's possible. If you want to get more out of it (like a step by step understanding of how to duplicate the results, you might need to watch it multiple times and take notes.

edited by PatMarrNC on 10/04/2017
09/04/2017 23:58:14

RodrisilvaMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 113
Amazing Pat !
Expertly made. If we want to change arms movements according music rythm, we only need to rework animated texture.
edited by Rodrisilva on 09/04/2017
10/04/2017 00:01:01

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
some important points omitted in the video:

1) when you make the animated textures from the individual arm textures, you might have to flip the images 180 degrees top-to-bottom. If you don't do that, the limbs and textures won't line up

2) Prior to UVmapping the arms, the whole static model should be triangulated. If the trangulation happens automatically, it can affect the alignment of the textures

Its a bit of work, but it illustrates that a framework exists for changing character appearance and even specific unsupported actions. Once you know how to do this, you can add any action your scene might require.

1) Anime Studio /Moho creates AVI that Muvizu can use as a texture or on a backdrop

2) You don't have to use Poser to position your limbs. You can manually model everything or use a variety of other programs (like DAZ, Blender, Milkshape etc) that allow the posing of rigged characters. But if you have Poser, it works pretty well for ... um... posing.

Since Digimania and Smith Micro (parent company to both Poser and Moho) have collaboratively cross marketed their products recently, I thought it might be good to mention their products as being good companions to Muvizu.

10/04/2017 00:07:57

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Rodrisilva wrote:
Amazing Pat !
Expertly made. If we want to change arms movements according music rythm, we only need to rework animated texture.
edited by Rodrisilva on 09/04/2017


But if you just need generic movement that doesn't have to be perfect, this type of animation works like the guitar player loops. In fact, I made it follow a tempo of 120 beats per minute, which is the speed the standard muvizu musicians seem to use. As such, when you see a mixture of muvizu characters and my characters on the same stage, they look like they're in synch.

Especially if the song was recorded at 120 bpm

Hopefully I'll have a video featuring all 3 characters by the end of the month.
10/04/2017 06:20:48

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
That is brilliant.
10/04/2017 08:30:45

Posts: 42
nice one
10/04/2017 10:35:06

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Well done Pat, immense work and big thanks for posting. Cool
11/04/2017 16:42:16

Posts: 106
Great Work, Pat!
12/04/2017 03:50:33

Posts: 3
Very Nice.
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Home ? Characters ? custom character and action , Muvizu style