urbanlamb - all messages by user

2013/4/8 20:03:02
How to create own character? Hi there unfortunately you cant make characters in muvizu only objects for set props
2013/4/7 20:37:42
HELP! I tried to join videos but it refused hi you will have to likely wait for a staff but you already posted in another thread so just wait. I dont know the answer and its sunday so


please be patient thanks
edited by urbanlamb on 07/04/2013
2013/4/7 18:17:38
Is it ready yet? well I hope they release the clothes sooner then lol seems a bit of a tease to put news about new clothing coming soon and see nothing since january hehe.
2013/4/7 8:30:12
Is it ready yet? *begs*

as I sit here at 3 a.m. (i am 50 with insomnia I do my best work at 3 a.m...) working on my next epic blockbuster of doom trying to make my little dude shoot a gun in a convincing way and remembering the post on january 25th about new clothes for our characters... *breath* and thinking about the google hangout. I must ask

how close is this release now? I have been procrasitinating placing up assets, and rendering out and creating a new muvizu urbanlamb epic not so blockbuster hoping I can give you my money but alas I have decided to make my next video because people are kinda wondering what happened to me and why I am busy making dancing fluff balls instead in crazytalk.

Anyhow is it ready soon? with my luck I will finish this video and like 24 hours later the new release will be launched and I will have spent my wad of mad money on something else and have to wait a few months to purchase because I am unlucky in that way.

"is it done yet"

edited by urbanlamb on 07/04/2013
2013/4/6 0:21:46
Coming Soon... oh perty is see the buildings way back there all lit up
edited by urbanlamb on 06/04/2013
2013/4/3 19:56:52
I cannot add a 'mouse'.... you can make a mouse in sketchup or blender the tutorials for that are on the site read this thread for starters

if there is one in another scene I dont know but you can add it to favourites if you find one.

click on the object and select the tab favourites and then save it and open the set you were using and create object and look in the tab favourites
2013/4/3 5:01:14
Arms open wide for a "Jesus" (How to?) hi there

I guess this got burried

To have his arms open about you can stand him on a cube and make that invisible and use the animation happy -> pose -> arms out and set his expressiveness to 0 to remove the smile then raise the cube up off the ground once its in the right place you remove the texture and make the cube invisible before doing the video.

This is one way


You can use the animation under themes -> pose -> spreadeagle and you will have to use the set in a different way as he will be lying down for that but its possible you will just need to create a set to match his position.

To me the first way is easier and I have used this before myself to stand people up

I can't think of any other ways off the top of my head right now maybe someone has another way to do it but this is what I would do myself and have done in the past for such poses.

hope that helps
2013/4/3 4:05:39
What Video/Audio Editors/Sites do YOU use? WHY? Video editing - changing to hitfilm but using corel video ultimate which is pretty good for the price tag


Sound - Magix and I recently purchased Mixcraft so I will probably be dropping most of the Magix stuff I used. I was limited to sound loops and some hand made midi files but once upon a time I used to be heavy into music writing and playing it so I am going back to that .



I use all those things mentioned and use freesound.org gosh for so much and also soundbible.com for a few things
if I want music and am too lazy to take the time to make my own mostly I use partners in rhyme

which is at a bunch of sites depending on how you want to purchase

and Archive.org

3D (flattered at mr hamsters recommendation hehe )
and to make those things I use Blender so I guess that is my place of choice

i also use a few 3D sites if I am not making it for others to use as well when I am lazy
one i like because I can get "authentic" things like the nasa space shuttle
the other because they have all those household items that are useful and appear in my videos


2013/3/29 18:04:57
what muvizu software should i download for window7 Hi there you will need to go by your ram and windows version 32bit or 64bit. Generally people these days if they purchase a new laptop made in the last year are all getting 64bit computers even laptops now mostly

so you will need to look up your system info on your pc

Then assuming your laptop meets the minimum requirements it should run however and this goes especially for laptops even new ones the graphics card may not be compatible. You will have to again refer to your systems info to find out. A lot of the onboard graphics cards built into motherboards have issues for many reasons unless the laptop was designed to run programs that use lots of graphics (gaming etc)

anyhow its probably a 64 bit system but that is assuming the laptop is new and someone didnt just upgrade the windows on it

p.s. looks like ziggy and me are in tandom again. Anyhow 32 bit will run on any system but 64bit lets you access more ram etc for some things. again assuming the graphics card on your pc will meet muvizu's minimum requirements.

jinx on ziggy. (back to my models)
edited by urbanlamb on 29/03/2013
2013/3/29 3:24:14
How do I make a character "float" and lie down? You can use a ground plane or any object really that has proper collision built in (chairs, tables the blocks etc) and just click on the objects the box to allow character to stand on the object and click in the box on the object to float in the air

then stand the character on the object and move it upwards.

use an object that accepts a texture if you want the character to float in the air and not be seen to be standing on the object and then select the no image texture on the object after your satistfied with where he is etc to make the object invisible.

for lying down you need to search for the animations under
themes > pose >
there are some poses for lying in some different positions

hope that helps. (rather tired so my typing might not make much sense ..)
2013/3/28 20:30:38
ASE importer link I just opened it the file is not blank.

right click "save link as"

and then if you want to see it open it up in notepad but it does work

here is the code I dont know how successful you will be copying and pasting and resaving it but its there if you want to try.

# Muvizu-ASE-Exporter.rb
# 2010/09/18 - RUBY
# This program (plugin) is based on original work by Raphael Couturier (HardPCM). It has been
# modified, under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, all changes made have
# been with a goal in mind; optimising the original ASE export feature from HardPCM for use
# with Muvizu (http://www.muvizu.com).
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
# Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt.
# Original Auther - Raphael Couturier (HardPCM) - hardpcm666@hotmail.com, hardpcm666@gmail.com
# Updated by - Jamie Hill (CerebralDump) - jamie@muvizu.com
# File: MuvizuASEExporter.rb
# Version: 0.0.8
# Started: 01/09/10
# Released: -
# Langage: English
# Description: Main Source for a Google Sketchup Plugin that allows you to export
# ASE files specifically for Muvizu, which uses the Unreal 3 games engine.
# Special thanks to:
# - Raphael Couturier (HardPCM) for the original work.
# - Jim Skivington for testing the early attempts and the changes.
# Change List / History
# 0.0.1 - Write out texture filename and path for ASE submaterial tag *BITMAP "..."
# 0.0.2 - Generate collision mesh automatically. Copy geometry into another GEOMODEL object prefixing object name with UCX. Collision was too complex.
# 0.0.3 - Removed non-essential parts for Muvizu input (import, and all export except ASE functions).
# 0.0.4 - Limited output to components only. Remove all handling of groups.
# 0.0.5 - UI to allow selection of one component as geometry and one component as collision.
# 0.0.6 - Renamed classes and methods to avoid dependency or interfearance with the original plugin.
# 0.0.7 - Refined UI to reduce and report errors.
# 0.0.8 - Updated about text and source comments for completeness.

require 'sketchup.rb'

class WalkerWaitT3D_UTX

# Updated: by HardPCM date unknown.
def initialize
@m_nIndex = 0
@m_sTable =

# Updated: by HardPCM date unknown.
def Tick(nLevel = 1)
# Show step
a_sText = "Processing at level No = #{"%0.f" %(nLevel)} \"O.{#{@m_sTable}}.O\" \n"
code = Sketchup.set_status_text a_sText

# Next step
@m_nIndex += 1
if @m_nIndex >= 8
@m_nIndex = 0;

# Updated: by HardPCM date unknown.
def Say(sMessage)
code = Sketchup.set_status_text sMessage

class IteratorerDataT3D_UTX

# Updated: 24-September-2010
def initialize(pFirstNode = nil, pProcessorNode = nil, bFirstNode = nil, bProcessorNode = nil, thePath = "")
# Populate the instance variables to process the sketchup model into ASE format.
@m_pProcessorNodeCol = pProcessorNode
@m_pFirstNode = pFirstNode

# Expect to have collision by default.
@m_hasCollision = true

# Get the names of the components exported for later reporting.
@m_theModelName = pFirstNode.definition.name
@m_theSavePath = thePath

# Check if there is collision geometry to be generated as well.
if bFirstNode != nil
@m_bProcessorNodeCol = bProcessorNode
@m_bFirstNode = bFirstNode
@m_theCollisionName = bFirstNode.definition.name
# No collision.
@m_hasCollision = false

# Prepare the material lists.
@m_pMaterials =
@m_bMaterialsChanged = false

# Prepare transforms - not sure why anything needs to be transformed...
@m_Transformations =

# Set level to begin processing at.
@m_nLevel = 1

# Start the wait walker to update the status bar text.
@m_pWalker = WalkerWaitT3D_UTX.new

# Updated: 24-September-2010
def Start()
# Process the geometry model.
self.Process(@m_pFirstNode, @m_pFirstNode, @m_pProcessorNodeCol)

if @m_hasCollision == true
# If selected process the collision model.
self.Process(@m_bFirstNode, @m_bFirstNode, @m_bProcessorNodeCol)

# Write to file.
if @m_hasCollision == true

# Finished!
@m_pWalker.Say("Job Done - Model exported!")
theEndMessage = ""
if @m_hasCollision == true
theEndMessage = "Collision geometry exported from component #{"%s" %(@m_theCollisionName)}\n\n"
theEndMessage = "No collision geometry exported. Muvizu will create this on import.\n\n"
UI.messagebox "#{"%s" %(theEndMessage)} Geometry model exported from component #{"%s" %(@m_theModelName)}\n\nFile saved to #{"%s" %(@m_theSavePath)}"

# Updated: 24-September-2010
def Process(pCurrentNode, pParent, theProcessor)

# Explode components or groups so we can process each face within it.
if(pCurrentNode.class == Sketchup::Group)
pCurrentNode = pCurrentNode.entities
elsif(pCurrentNode.class == Sketchup::ComponentInstance)
pCurrentNode = pCurrentNode.definition.entities

for a_Entity in pCurrentNode
if(a_Entity.class == Sketchup::Face and a_Entity.layer.visible?)
# Identify the material on the face being examined.
a_pMaterial = a_Entity.material
@m_bMaterialsChanged = false
if a_pMaterial != nil
@m_bMaterialsChanged = true

# Process the mesh co-ordinates for the face being examined.
theProcessor.ProcessFace(a_Entity, @m_pMaterials.last, @m_Transformations.last)

# Finish processing the material on the face being examined.
if @m_bMaterialsChanged == true
@m_bMaterialsChanged = false

# Reporting only.

for a_Entity in pCurrentNode
# If there is a component within the current component or group then recursively process that component as well.
if((a_Entity.class == Sketchup::ComponentInstance or a_Entity.class == Sketchup::Group) and a_Entity.layer.visible?)
@m_nLevel += 1
@m_Transformations.push(@m_Transformations.last * a_Entity.transformation)
self.Process(a_Entity, pCurrentNode, theProcessor)
@m_nLevel -= 1

class FileWritter

# Updated: 24-September-2010
def initialize(asePath)
@m_pFile = nil
@m_sAsePath = asePath

# Updated: 24-September-2010
def OpenFile
@m_pFile = File.new(@m_sAsePath,"wb")

# Updated: 24-September-2010
def WriteToFile(aLine)

# Updated: 24-September-2010
def CloseFile

class ExporterDataASE_UTX

# Updated: 24-September-2010
def initialize(theFileWritter, theModelName)
@m_FileWritter = theFileWritter

@m_vVertex =
@m_nNextVertex = 0

@m_vVertexUV =
@m_nNextVertexUV = 0

@m_vNormal =
@m_nNextNormal = 0

@m_pTriangle =
@m_nNextTriangle = 0

@m_pMaterial =
@m_nNextMaterial = 0

@m_nModelName = theModelName

# Updated: by HardPCM date unknown.
def NextVertexXYZ(pPacket)
# Search an existing XYZ.
a_nIndex = @m_nNextVertex - 1
a_nCount = 256

if a_nCount > a_nIndex + 1
a_nCount = a_nIndex + 1

while a_nCount > -1
a_pTemp = @m_vVertex
if (a_pTemp == pPacket) && (a_pTemp == pPacket) && (a_pTemp == pPacket)
if (a_pTemp == pPacket) && (a_pTemp == pPacket) && (a_pTemp == pPacket)
return a_nIndex
a_nIndex = a_nIndex - 1
a_nCount = a_nCount - 1

# Create a new XYZ
@m_vVertex = pPacket
@m_nNextVertex = @m_nNextVertex + 1
return @m_nNextVertex - 1
# Updated: by HardPCM date unknown.
def NextVertexUV(pPacket)
# Search an existing UV
a_nIndex = @m_nNextVertexUV - 1
a_nCount = 256

if a_nCount > a_nIndex + 1
a_nCount = a_nIndex + 1

while a_nCount > -1
a_pTemp = @m_vVertexUV
if (a_pTemp == pPacket) && (a_pTemp == pPacket) && (a_pTemp == pPacket)
return a_nIndex
a_nIndex = a_nIndex - 1
a_nCount = a_nCount - 1

# Create a new UV
@m_vVertexUV = pPacket
@m_nNextVertexUV = @m_nNextVertexUV + 1
return @m_nNextVertexUV - 1

# Updated: by HardPCM date unknown.
def NextNormalXYZ(pPacket)
@m_vNormal = pPacket
@m_nNextNormal = @m_nNextNormal + 1
return @m_nNextNormal - 1

# Updated: by HardPCM date unknown.
def NextFaceABC(pPacket)
@m_pTriangle = pPacket
@m_nNextTriangle = @m_nNextTriangle + 1
return @m_nNextTriangle - 1

# Updated: by HardPCM date unknown.
def NextMaterial(pPacket)
# Search an existing material
a_nIndex = @m_nNextMaterial - 1
while a_nIndex > -1
a_pTempPacket = @m_pMaterial
if a_pTempPacket == pPacket
return a_nIndex
a_nIndex = a_nIndex - 1

# Create a new material
@m_pMaterial = pPacket
@m_nNextMaterial = @m_nNextMaterial + 1
return @m_nNextMaterial - 1

# Updated: by HardPCM date unknown.
def VectorFromSketchup(pVector)

# Updated: by HardPCM date unknown.
def VectorUvFromSketchup(pVector)
# Updated: 24-September-2010
def WriteHeader
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile("*COMMENT Muvizu ASE Exporter.\r\n")
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile("*COMMENT Based on HardPCM'S ASE output plugin for Sketchup (HSKP2UNR.rb)\r\n")

#Updated: 24-September-2010
def WriteMaterials

# Write the material header.
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile("*MATERIAL_LIST {\r\n")
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile("*MATERIAL_COUNT 1\r\n")
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MATERIAL 0 {\r\n")
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MATERIAL_NAME \"MUVIZU_ASE_TEXTURE\"\r\n")
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MATERIAL_CLASS \"Multi/Sub-Object\"\r\n")

# Write the number of sub-materials to expect.
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *NUMSUBMTLS #{"%i" %(@m_nNextMaterial)}\r\n")

# Output sub-material list.
a_nIndex = 0
a_nCount = @m_nNextMaterial
while (a_nIndex < a_nCount)

a_pPacket = @m_pMaterial

@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *SUBMATERIAL #{"%i" %(a_nIndex)} {\r\n");
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MATERIAL_NAME \"#{"%s" %(a_pPacket)}\"\r\n");
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MATERIAL_CLASS \"Standard\"\r\n");
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MAP_DIFFUSE {\r\n");
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MAP_CLASS \"Bitmap\"\r\n");
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *BITMAP \"#{"%s" %(a_pPacket)}\"\r\n");
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *UVW_U_OFFSET 0.0\r\n");
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *UVW_V_OFFSET 0.0\r\n");
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *UVW_U_TILING 1.0\r\n");
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *UVW_V_TILING 1.0\r\n");
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" }\r\n");
a_nIndex = a_nIndex + 1

@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" }\r\n")

# Updated: 24-September-2010
def WriteGeometryBegin
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile("*GEOMOBJECT {\r\n")
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *NODE_NAME \"#{"%s" %(@m_nModelName)}\"\r\n")
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *NODE_TM {\r\n")
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *NODE_NAME \"#{"%s" %(@m_nModelName)}\"\r\n")
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" }\r\n")
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MESH {\r\n")
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *TIMEVALUE 0\r\n")

# Updated: 24-September-2010
def WriteGeometryColBegin
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile("*GEOMOBJECT {\r\n")
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *NODE_NAME \"UCX_#{"%s" %(@m_nModelName)}\"\r\n")
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *NODE_TM {\r\n")
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *NODE_NAME \"UCX_#{"%s" %(@m_nModelName)}\"\r\n")
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" }\r\n")
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MESH {\r\n")
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *TIMEVALUE 0\r\n")

# Updated: 24-September-2010
def WriteVertexXYZ
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MESH_NUMVERTEX #{"%i" %(@m_nNextVertex)}\r\n")
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MESH_NUMFACES #{"%i" %(@m_nNextTriangle)}\r\n")
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MESH_VERTEX_LIST {\r\n")

a_nIndex = 0
a_nCount = @m_nNextVertex
while (a_nIndex < a_nCount)
a_pPacket = @m_vVertex
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MESH_VERTEX #{"%i" %(a_nIndex)} #{"%+013.6f" %(a_pPacket)} #{"%+013.6f" %(a_pPacket)} #{"%+013.6f" %(a_pPacket)}\r\n");
a_nIndex = a_nIndex + 1

@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" }\r\n")


# Updated: 24-September-2010
def WriteFaceVertexXYZ
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MESH_FACE_LIST {\r\n")

a_nIndex = 0
a_nCount = @m_nNextTriangle
while (a_nIndex < a_nCount)
a_pPacket = @m_pTriangle
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MESH_FACE #{"%i" %(a_nIndex)}: A: #{"%i" %(a_pPacket)} B: #{"%i" %(a_pPacket)} C: #{"%i" %(a_pPacket)} AB: 1 BC: 1 CA: 1 *MESH_SMOOTHING 0 *MESH_MTLID #{"%i" %(a_pPacket)}\r\n");
a_nIndex = a_nIndex + 1

@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" }\r\n")

# Updated: 24-September-2010
def WriteVertexUV
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MESH_NUMTVERTEX #{"%i" %(@m_nNextVertexUV)}\r\n")
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MESH_TVERTLIST {\r\n")

a_nIndex = 0
a_nCount = @m_nNextVertexUV
while (a_nIndex < a_nCount)
a_pPacket = @m_vVertexUV
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MESH_TVERT #{"%i" %(a_nIndex)} #{"%+013.6f" %(a_pPacket)} #{"%+013.6f" %(a_pPacket)} 0.000000\r\n");
a_nIndex = a_nIndex + 1

@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" }\r\n")

# Updated: 24-September-2010
def WriteFaceVertexUV
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MESH_NUMTVFACES #{"%i" %(@m_nNextTriangle)}\r\n")
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MESH_TFACELIST {\r\n")

a_nIndex = 0
a_nCount = @m_nNextTriangle
while (a_nIndex < a_nCount)
a_pPacket = @m_pTriangle
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MESH_TFACE #{"%i" %(a_nIndex)} #{"%i" %(a_pPacket)} #{"%i" %(a_pPacket)} #{"%i" %(a_pPacket)}\r\n");
a_nIndex = a_nIndex + 1

@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" }\r\n")

# Updated: 24-September-2010
def WriteFaceNormals
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MESH_NORMALS {\r\n")

a_nIndex = 0
a_nCount = @m_nNextTriangle
while (a_nIndex < a_nCount)
a_pPacket = @m_pTriangle
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MESH_FACENORMAL #{"%i" %(a_nIndex)} #{"%+013.6f" %(a_pPacket)} #{"%+013.6f" %(a_pPacket)} #{"%+013.6f" %(a_pPacket)}\r\n");
a_nID = a_pPacket
a_pTP = @m_vVertex
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MESH_VERTEXNORMAL #{"%i" %(a_nID)} #{"%+013.6f" %(a_pTP)} #{"%+013.6f" %(a_pTP)} #{"%+013.6f" %(a_pTP)}\r\n");
a_nID = a_pPacket
a_pTP = @m_vVertex
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MESH_VERTEXNORMAL #{"%i" %(a_nID)} #{"%+013.6f" %(a_pTP)} #{"%+013.6f" %(a_pTP)} #{"%+013.6f" %(a_pTP)}\r\n");
a_nID = a_pPacket
a_pTP = @m_vVertex
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MESH_VERTEXNORMAL #{"%i" %(a_nID)} #{"%+013.6f" %(a_pTP)} #{"%+013.6f" %(a_pTP)} #{"%+013.6f" %(a_pTP)}\r\n");
a_nIndex = a_nIndex + 1

@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" }\r\n")

# Updated: 24-September-2010
def WriteGeometryFinish
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" }\r\n")
@m_FileWritter.WriteToFile(" *MATERIAL_REF 0\r\n")

#Updated 24-September-2010
def ProcessFace(pFace, pMaterial, pTransformations)

# Extract the mesh.
a_pMesh = pFace.mesh 7

# Transform the mesh.
a_pMesh.transform! pTransformations

# Eextract material info.
a_nMaterialU = 1.0
a_nMaterialV = 1.0
# Load default material name and bmp file path. Note the file toto.bmp
# does not exist unless you create it. For Muvizu it is recommended to
# create this file for the best results.
a_sTexture = "Engine.DefaultTexture"
a_pTexturePath = "C:\\ut3\\toto.bmp"

# Make sure that the material reference exists before processing anything else.
if pMaterial != nil

# If the material has a name in Sketchup use that instead of the default.
if pMaterial.name != ""
a_sTexture = pMaterial.name
end if

# Check that the material has a texture (and is not just a colour) before ensuring that
# the texture filename reference exists and has content. Use the actual path and filename
# for that texture / material instead of the default toto.bmp
if pMaterial.texture != nil
if pMaterial.texture.filename != nil
if pMaterial.texture.filename != ""
a_pTexturePath = pMaterial.texture.filename

# Take a reference to the texture object as well.
a_pTexture = pMaterial.texture

# Pack the material for later writting to file.
a_pMatPack =
a_nMaterialID = self.NextMaterial(a_pMatPack)

# Extract the triangle normal.
a_vNormal = pFace.normal
a_nNx = a_vNormal.x
a_nNy = a_vNormal.y
a_nNz = a_vNormal.z

# Loop for each triangle in the face.
a_nIndex = 1
while (a_nIndex <= a_pMesh.count_polygons)

# Extract the triangle indexes.
a_pPolygon = a_pMesh.polygon_at a_nIndex

# Extract the triangle vertex.
a_pVa = self.VectorFromSketchup(a_pMesh.point_at a_pPolygon)
a_pVb = self.VectorFromSketchup(a_pMesh.point_at a_pPolygon)
a_pVc = self.VectorFromSketchup(a_pMesh.point_at a_pPolygon)

a_pVa = a_nNx
a_pVa = a_nNy
a_pVa = a_nNz

a_pVb = a_nNx
a_pVb = a_nNy
a_pVb = a_nNz

a_pVc = a_nNx
a_pVc = a_nNy
a_pVc = a_nNz

a_nVa = self.NextVertexXYZ(a_pVa)
a_nVb = self.NextVertexXYZ(a_pVb)
a_nVc = self.NextVertexXYZ(a_pVc)

# Extract the texture coordinates.
a_pTa = self.VectorUvFromSketchup(a_pMesh.uv_at a_pPolygon,a_pPolygon)
a_pTb = self.VectorUvFromSketchup(a_pMesh.uv_at a_pPolygon,a_pPolygon)
a_pTc = self.VectorUvFromSketchup(a_pMesh.uv_at a_pPolygon,a_pPolygon)
a_nTa = self.NextVertexUV(a_pTa)
a_nTb = self.NextVertexUV(a_pTb)
a_nTc = self.NextVertexUV(a_pTc)

# Convert to face,
a_pFace =
a_nFace = NextFaceABC(a_pFace)
# --- next triangle ------------------------------------------------
a_nIndex += 1

# Updated 24-September-2010
def WriteGeometry
# Write out all parts for the geometry model.

# Updated 24-September-2010
def WriteCollision
# The only difference between WriteCollision and WriteGeometry is that the method
# WriteGeometryColBegin is called, which does the same as WriteGeometryBegin but
# prefixes the name of the object with UCX for a collision object.


class MuvizuASEExporter

#Updated: 24-September-2010
def About

UI.messagebox("Muvizu ASE Exporter

Original work by Raphael Couturier (HardPCM) with HSKP2UNR
HardPCM's Google Sketchup Exporter to T3D/PSK/ASE/OBJ format
for UT3/UT2K4/UT2K3/UT99 game engines. Version 0.9.8 May 26nd 2009
was used as the foundation. The aim of this update is to provide
a more optomised exporter for use with Muvizu (http://www.muvizu.com)

Change List / History

# 0.0.1 - Write out texture filename and path for ASE submaterial tag *BITMAP "..."
# 0.0.2 - Generate collision mesh automatically. Copy geometry into another GEOMODEL object prefixing object name with UCX. Collision was too complex.
# 0.0.3 - Removed non-essential parts for Muvizu input (import, and all export except ASE functions).
# 0.0.4 - Limited output to components only. Remove all handling of groups.
# 0.0.5 - UI to allow selection of one component as geometry and one component as collision.
# 0.0.6 - Renamed classes and methods to avoid dependency or interfearance with the original plugin.
# 0.0.7 - Refined UI to reduce and report errors.
# 0.0.8 - Updated about text and source comments for completeness.

Freeware under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2 or later.

Special thanks to:

- Raphael Couturier (HardPCM) for the original work.

- Jim Skivington for testing the early attempts at the changes.

How to install:

filename is: \"MuvizuASEExporter.rb\"
and put it in the directory like
\"C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp X\Plugins\"

How this works:

Everything is in inch OK!!!
So 512 inch unit = 512 unreal unit.
This apply to the model size and the material size.

Muvizu supports both single and double sided objects. This means you do not need to worry about WHITE or BLUE mode for faces, however to achieve the best results from modelling for a games engine it is recommended that use only use signle sided objects. The recommendation is for WHITE (when all faces of your object look WHITE on the outside). If you do not then some faces will only be visible inside your object. Each face needs to have a texture applied to it.


" , MB_MULTILINE , "Muvizu ASE Exporter")


# Updated: 24-September-2010
def CountComponents deffs = nil
count = 0
if deffs != nil
deffs.each {|x|
if x.is_a? Sketchup::ComponentInstance
count += 1
# Returns the total number of available components.
return count

# Updated: 24-September-2010
def GetFirstComponent deffs = nil
hasFirst = false
first = ""
if deffs != nil
deffs.each {|modelref|
if modelref.is_a? Sketchup::ComponentInstance
# Get the name of the first component for default selection on the Export Options dialog box.
if hasFirst == false
deff = modelref.definition
first = deff.name
hasFirst = true
return first

# Updated: 24-September-2010
def GetDropDownList deffs = nil
listGeometry = ""
if deffs != nil
deffs.each {|x|
if x.is_a? Sketchup::ComponentInstance
# Go through all components that exist in the sketchup model and append each ones name to a string for use in a combo box.
deff = x.definition
listGeometry += "#{"%s" %(deff.name)}|"
return listGeometry

# Updated: 24-September-2010
def GetDropDownListCollision deffs = nil
# Always return the "None" option.
listCollision = "None - Muvizu generated collision"
if deffs != nil
# Append the None option to the list generated of existing components.
listCollision += "|#{"%s" %(self.GetDropDownList deffs)}"
return listCollision

# Updated: 24-September-2010
def GetEntityRefByName deffs = nil, theName = ""
# Return nil on error.
modelentity = nil
# Make sure we have valid references.
if deffs != nil
deffs.each {|modelref|
if modelref.is_a? Sketchup::ComponentInstance
deff = modelref.definition
# Go through all entities, check that it is a ComponentInstance and return reference to the one that matches the provided name,
if deff.name == theName
modelentity = modelref
return modelentity

def getMaterialFileNames(theMaterials)
allTextures = ""
theMaterials.texture.each { | text |
if theMaterials.texture != nil
allTexture += "#{"%s" %(theMaterials.texture.filename)}|"
return allTextures

def findDuplicate(arrayMaterials, check)
foundDup = false
arrayMaterials.each { | material |
if material.texture.filename == check.texture.filename
foundDup = true
return foundDup

def ProcessForTextures(pCurrentNode, pParent)

#tmpTextures = Array.new
# Explode components or groups so we can process each face within it.
if(pCurrentNode.class == Sketchup::Group)
pCurrentNode = pCurrentNode.entities
elsif(pCurrentNode.class == Sketchup::ComponentInstance)
pCurrentNode = pCurrentNode.definition.entities

for a_Entity in pCurrentNode
#UI.messagebox "Processing entities"
if(a_Entity.class == Sketchup::Face and a_Entity.layer.visible?)
# Identify the material on the face being examined.
a_pMaterial = a_Entity.material
#UI.messagebox "Checking materials"
if self.findDuplicate(@allMaterials, a_pMaterial) == false
#tmpTextures += "#{"%s" %(a_pMaterial.texture.filename)}|"
#UI.messagebox "#{"%s" %(a_pMaterial.texture.filename)}|"

for a_Entity in pCurrentNode
# If there is a component within the current component or group then recursively process that component as well.
if((a_Entity.class == Sketchup::ComponentInstance or a_Entity.class == Sketchup::Group) and a_Entity.layer.visible?)
self.ProcessForTextures(a_Entity, pCurrentNode)

# Updated: 24-September-2010
def ExportOptionMenu(firstName, geoList, colList)
a_pMenuResult = Array.new
# Check there is at least one component to list in the export options menu.
if geoList != nil && geoList.length > 0
# Prepare the export options menu.
a_pMenuDropdowns =
a_pMenuPrompts =
# Display Export Options
a_pMenuResult = UI.inputbox a_pMenuPrompts, , a_pMenuDropdowns, "Export options"

# Only progress if the user has selected Ok (true)
if a_pMenuResult != false
if a_pMenuResult == a_pMenuResult
a_pMenuResult = Array.new
a_pMenuResult = -1
a_pMenuResult = -2
return a_pMenuResult

# Updated: 24-September-2010
def ExportASE
# Get the entities available in the current model
model = Sketchup.active_model
deffs = model.entities

# Initialise variables for the menu and identifying the model and collision to export.
a_pMenuA = ""
a_pMenuB = ""
first = ""
exportCollision = true

# Get the menu options.
first = self.GetFirstComponent deffs
a_pMenuA = self.GetDropDownList deffs
a_pMenuB = self.GetDropDownListCollision deffs

# Validation flags.
readyToExport = false
progressExport = true
continueResult = 0

while readyToExport == false
a_pMenuResult = self.ExportOptionMenu(first, a_pMenuA, a_pMenuB)
if a_pMenuResult != false
if a_pMenuResult == -2
UI.messagebox "There are no components in your sketchup model to export. Select the groups, faces or edges you wish to export then right click and do \"Make Component\""
readyToExport = true
progressExport = false
elsif a_pMenuResult == -1
continueResult = UI.messagebox ("You have selected the same component for the geometry mesh and the collision mesh. This is not recommended, do you wish to progress?", MB_YESNO, "Are you sure?")
if continueResult == 6
readyToExport = true
progressExport = true
readyToExport = true
readyToExport = true
progressExport = false

# Begin export if all options are ready.
if progressExport == true
modelname = a_pMenuResult
modelindex = a_pMenuResult
collisionindex = a_pMenuResult

# Check if collision is to be exported or not.
if collisionindex == "None - Muvizu generated collision"
exportCollision = false

# Prepare save path.
a_sExportPath = UI.savepanel("Export Model to ASE", "" , "#{"%s" %(modelname)}.ase")

# Only progress to generating the ASE file if a save path and name have been selected.
if a_sExportPath != nil

# Find a reference to the object that contains the model and collsion entities.
modelentity = Sketchup::Entity
collisionentity = Sketchup::Entity
modelentity = self.GetEntityRefByName(deffs, modelindex)

# Only get the collision entity ref if collision is to be generated.
if exportCollision == true
collisionentity = self.GetEntityRefByName(deffs, collisionindex)
collisionentity = nil

# Create the file handle. File handle is opened within initialize here.
aFileWritter = FileWritter.new a_sExportPath

# Prepare the data processors that will convert the Sketchup model into ASE format.
a_pProcessor = ExporterDataASE_UTX.new(aFileWritter, modelname)

# Only create a data processor if collision is to be generated.
if exportCollision == true
b_pProcessor = ExporterDataASE_UTX.new(aFileWritter, modelname)
b_pProcessor = nil

# Finally send the processors and entity references to the iterator to generate the final output ASE file.
a_pIteratorer = IteratorerDataT3D_UTX.new(modelentity, a_pProcessor, collisionentity, b_pProcessor, a_sExportPath)

# Close the file handle.
UI.messagebox "No save to path or filename specified for export. Operation cancelled."


if(not file_loaded?("MuvizuASEExporter.rb"))
MZAE = MuvizuASEExporter.new
pMenuA = UI.menu("Plugins").add_submenu("Muvizu ASE Exporter")
pMenuA.add_item("Export ASE Format") { (MZAE.ExportASE) }
pMenuA.add_item("About Muvizu ASE Exporter") { (MZAE.About) }
UI.messagebox "There was an error loading the Muvizu ASE Exporter."
edited by urbanlamb on 28/03/2013
2013/3/28 18:50:42
ASE importer link hiya there is a link on the 3d gallery if you choose right click and download it saves it. I have no clue if they are the same script but here is the gallery link

2013/3/28 2:35:27
Problems uploading / commenting on videos If you uploaded to youtube directly then it wont appear here you need to go to your account profile on this site and choose upload in that case.

If you uploaded from this site then it worked and it has to wait to be moderated so it takes a day or two to appear on this site.
2013/3/26 23:08:34
upload a video help please yes it will take some time to appear especially at present they are busier then usual with the launch of muvizu play which has a major upgrade (and a new website). As long as its actually muvizu its fine its mostly to prevent ads and 'pron' and erroneous things you know selling viagra etc from appearing

basically if you upload weekends you have to wait till monday/tuesday and during the week there is a 24 hour delay depending on time of day uploaded.
edited by urbanlamb on 26/03/2013
2013/3/26 22:29:40
upload a video help please If you uploaded from here and its on youtube then likely it has not been moderated yet because they moderate all the videos to prevent things from appearing on this site that should not

otherwise ..

You login from here and look at your profile and choose upload on your muvizu profile and then it will post to youtube on the username you chose there. If you want to leave it up you can repost from here but you will have to change the filename of your video as youtube will recognize it as a duplicate and not upload or you can just delete the youtube one.
2013/3/26 17:10:43
Can Wheel of car or motorcycle spinning? and Yes the destoyable building I have done this or version of it. Make several versions of the object your trying to destory and use stop motion is about the only way to do in muvizu. Put all the cameras in place and film some frames, do a change to the model film another few frames and do this until your building is destroyed and edit in a video editor. Make sure there are no changes to the cameras and that if you do use camera switched you do it at a frame where a distinct change is happening. It takes awhile and then in your video editor you need to assemble this frame by frame until you get a smooth movement that looks realistic.
2013/3/25 19:53:03
New Wardrobe yes this is true so um "when do we get the new wardrobe" ? Big Grin
2013/3/25 19:51:06
Edit Environment sloped sky backgrounds? yes this is what I would probably do make a cube or something and texture the inside of it and plop it into the muvizu dome to make it all look okay

since the textures don't distort so much its also probably the least fussy method me thinks

and me you know being a lazy person at heart would pick the easiest way
edited by urbanlamb on 25/03/2013
2013/3/25 18:56:09
New Wardrobe They are probably holding it back for the muvizu live launch. Along with any of the other tidbits they have mentioned.
2013/3/24 20:52:38
help - PUBLISHING VIDEO - please! Dreeko wrote:
urbanlamb wrote:
I cant remove the watermark!

Patience... you will be able to very soon (so we hear!)

Thumbs Up
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