drewi - all messages by user

2015/10/9 16:46:17
The Users content output store......errm promised? I was quite excited by the promised content store, being created for muvizu users to flog stuff they have made. Is this really going to happen? when? what are the plans? what ideas have been formed?Throw us a meaty info bone.
Scotland aint gonna make the Euros you can concentrate your efforts.
2015/10/5 10:36:28
Saw this TV commercial tonight Thanks for posting Harb40.
Muvizu is so versatile and although this ad is quite basic, i think it could easily produce tv ads of greater quality.
2015/10/2 11:34:14
Why can't I use my free Content Packs? Could he not reinstall an older version alongside the latest one and not update when asked?then keep on using the free packs.
think some links were posted recently to a few versions.
think this thread has one but 64bit sure there were other links but i cant locate atm.
2015/10/1 15:42:10
Content store opens it's doors! I removed my content ,which i intend to put back eventually,some free, some not i'm waiting to see how things pan out.What conditions requirements etc.
2015/9/16 10:35:27
How to create a little girl. use any female characters scale control.
double click on the character and adjust scale via body tab.
a customised texture will help create a more convincing child.
eg a suitable logo on a t shirt.
edited by drewi on 16/09/2015

edited by drewi on 16/09/2015
2015/8/30 18:31:46
Award winning Short Film used elements of Muvizu Applause!!,....nicely crafted and muvizu parts work well and seamlessly.i'm a grown man with a reputation to keep but found it difficult to stop my eyes watering towards the end.
2015/8/26 18:59:15
Fade to Black in movavi video editor 7.03
right clicking audio track brings up properties where you can fade audio.
fading out video... click the transitions tab and select and drag fade-out onto your last clip.
works nicely...errm ?? hang on 10secs???Whaaaaa?
errm?.....err?....maybe not it defaults to a 2sec fade and seemingly wont allow it to be changed.
Ah well its still not such a bad little prog for a give away of the day freebee.
edited by drewi on 26/08/2015
2015/8/26 17:06:11
anim8or - blender - muvizu..............obj to.fbx to set up in blender, - file - user preferences.
addons - import export.
make sure the relevant items are ticked.

then i simply import the .obj (which i usually create in anim8or)
and immediately export as .fbx
ready to load into muvizu.

my file is exported from anim8or (a free, brilliant 3d modeling/animation tool)
using the wavefront plugin obj (an additional install required)
which is different from anim8ors standard wavefront .obj export.
the plugin comes in an .a8s form and needs to be placed in your anim8or scripts directory
when you come to export your object scroll down the options and make sure you select the wavefront plugin obj rather than the simple wavefront .obj
plugin for anim8or - https://app.box.com/s/6lplghz6w3ogybdkm7wl
latest anim8or release - http://www.anim8or.com/download/preview/files/animcl1185.zip

you have to create a scripts directory after installing anim8or........simple enough task, just make a series of folders wherever you like with the appropriate names and direct the configure interface, box options.

2015/8/21 15:35:08
Can't keep this old animator down! looking forward to you being back from the shadows again.... soon.
2015/8/18 19:09:52
how to carry a duffel bag over the shoulder? Looking at a character from the front and depending on the duffel bag design... could the idle/singing action work?....(though only one handed santa esque)

had a quick attempt using a mocked up duffel bag.
i think its possible to improve on these attempts, position wise and obviously the duffel model.
edited by drewi on 19/08/2015
2015/8/17 18:07:48
Uploading to youtube Also this might help newcomers experiencing problems... if you have uploaded your vid to you tube without going through the muvizu site, then try and upload via muvizu you discover you can't because you tube doesn't allow you to duplicate videos ...so you have to delete the original you uploaded to you tube before you can try again via muvizu.
2015/8/7 13:43:06
Random feature requests When you are preparing character actions its a pain in the arse that after you select one the selecting interface disappears ...would like it to stay in place or just an add button ...so i can quickly select several.
2015/8/6 19:14:34
Character Proportions ukBerty wrote:

Personally I prefer the old potatoes myself, but head proportion would be a great way to vary their look.

yes i too think this would be a good way, along with working on their uv map designs, to get much more variation of characters.
Loving this exciting period of muvizu development and the business of the forum.
2015/8/4 1:04:27
Assistance Rebel, extremely well done and hats off.

2015/7/31 11:23:57
shut up!!zip it!...shh! So video posting to the gallery has been restored and i have now learned how to post there which is pleasing but still no facility to post comments there.Any news about this area of the gallery being restored?i do miss it.
edited by drewi on 31/07/2015
2015/7/28 10:42:11
Collision in Muvizu aka What buttons to press @urbanlamb. Cheers for the blender/muvizu .fbx collision box video.
it has helped me understand a little better.
is it fair to say its a misnomer as its more a non collision box.
2015/7/21 18:57:12
Underground Characters bug yes i and others too ,i think it has been reported as a bug
2015/7/20 16:37:59
FBX import errors (of course errors) @urban lamb.I use .fbx and it seems to work well for me.
I create models in anim8or export them as wavefront .obj, texture and uv map if required.
import them into blender and straight back out as .fbx ready for import into muvizu.
never had any luck with .ase
2015/7/18 2:06:35
My Mind see personal messages
2015/7/8 0:19:09
Assistance RebelCool has done 99% of the work.
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