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29/08/2010 16:49:03

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
I think I need some advice on Codecs - What are people using ?

I'm using Pinnacle Studio to compile my Muvizu videos as it allows me to do a certain amount of post effects.

I'm using the Microsfot Video 1 codec at the moment, but the sound does not come over to Studio and I have to try and resync with the original audio file. This is really annoying.
If I put the output of Muvizu throgh another application like Virtualdub it then works fine in Studio - but it's a bit of a faff.

What Codec can I get to get round this ?

Any ideas ?

29/08/2010 17:20:00

mystoMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 471
I've been using software from AVS4YOU with good results. The link is

You can use it for free or purchase it. I think it installs the needed codecs for you. Also, if you do purchase a program you actually get ALL of the software on their site with free updates. A pretty good deal if you ask me. Great software at a great price.
edited by mysto on 8/29/2010
30/08/2010 07:28:18

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
Thanks for your reply Mysto