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Home ? How Do I ...? ? objects to move in a straight line.

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08/03/2015 11:32:00

Posts: 36
Guys I have a problem,
I remember why I didn't rush to put Muvizu back into my reformatted computer it was because of the massive frustration in getting an object to move in a straight line.

I create a road, its straight - I bring in a car - set it up at the start of the road - Click the left mouse button and I can move the vehicle along the road in a straight line.
When I click on Direct - Object Movement - that cross thing comes in over the vehicle - I click on the vehicle with the left mouse button and move the vehicle down the road in a straight line - but when I click the record button the red box around the vehicle disappears and when I click the Left Mouse button and try to move the vehicle the whole scene starts to move and the vehicle lifts off the ground.

I have tried the arrow keys = no good
I have tried the W A S D keys and that a complete disaster, this is probably the most frustrating and ridiculous process I have come across.

So please

1/ How can I comfortably move an object in a straight line while I am recording? (I have some things planned for a movie)

2/ Why cant the objects be moved the same way characters move by using the directors disk that appears when you want to move a character?

Thanks in advance
08/03/2015 11:44:51

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Try adjusting the gravity in the objects settings to stop it lifting and if you use a mouse with a scroll wheel you can get a vehicle to move in a straight line pretty effectively by just a single turn of the wheel.
edited by drewi on 08/03/2015
08/03/2015 12:50:41

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
try playing around with these settings.

if you are moving a car i find the easiest way is if you are locked on the object axis and actually move the car from behind. as if you are playing a video game. using the arrow keys is easiest or if you have a pc game controller. if you are going in a straight line there should be no problem.
if you are using the car on a road prop and it hits a bump somewhere (usually where two props meet) the car will lift. so to combat that set the car physics to stays upright and floats in the air to keep it level. then before you move your car lift it off the ground a little bit. record your movement. set the timeline back to the start. then move the car back down making sure you dont tilt it at all. that way it will move through any uneven prop malarkey. (pesky collision nonsense)
08/03/2015 14:54:52

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
In addition to those two spot-on posts, I'd also recommend recording any movement OFF the set, as in, over in a flat bit of unused floor. That way you don't collide with anything, and get a nice clean take. Then, when you move the object back where you wanted it, you can make the set work around the movement, rather than the other way round.
09/03/2015 05:49:50

Posts: 36
Hi drewi, fazz68, ziggy72

Thanks for the replies, the one I had a little success was using the mouse wheel but not real happy with it, I have been playing around for over an hour and a half now trying the other suggestions and I am about ready to go punch a tree.
Surely you would agree that there is no way it should be this hard and convoluted to get objects especially vehicles to move in a straight line, let alone getting it to turn a corner.

Is there a Feature Request anywhere for Muvizu?
My first request would be: is that objects move the same way we move characters by using the directors disk.

Another quick one.
While I was trying to get the vehicle movement I wanted I was trying to get the vehicle to take a corner, when I was building the road I noticed that there is no 45-degree road segment.
Is it possible to grab a copy of the 90-degree take into a 3d package and modify it ?
or any object for that matter ?

Thanks in advance
09/03/2015 07:09:26

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220

I thought there was a corner road segment; I'll have a look later.

To request a feature, just stick it here, as you have done, and hopefully one of the staff will see it and put it on their virtual sticky note board.

You can't export the Muvizu assets so you'll have to make something entirely yourself/get someone to make you something/find something on the 3D warehouse to use if it's not already inside the program.

I hope this helps,
09/03/2015 13:09:24

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
I still don't get, Foff47, why using the up arrow key isn't doing it for you - that's how I move stuff in a straight line, always have done. What exactly happens if you have gravity set to zero, locked to the axis, and you press the Up arrow? (Up in this context actually means Forward, since move Up is Q or E in Muvizu).
09/03/2015 21:48:20

Posts: 36
ziggy72 wrote:
I still don't get, Foff47, why using the up arrow key isn't doing it for you - that's how I move stuff in a straight line, always have done. What exactly happens if you have gravity set to zero, locked to the axis, and you press the Up arrow? (Up in this context actually means Forward, since move Up is Q or E in Muvizu).

Hey Ziggy.

That worked, I bought it about 5 road segments, the red sports car, set it up, and using the up arrow got the car to drive in a straight line, the down side is, that we are looking at the car from the rear at ground level.
I would have liked to be able to look from above over the left shoulder so to speak ( I live in Australia and we drive on the left ) but trying that is when the mucky stuff hits the fan..

I will have to put up with the process till it gets better (like they accept my feature request)

Thanks again
edited by foff47 on 09/03/2015


I found a little work around (don't know why I didn't think of this before)

I just positioned the camera to the view I wanted, enlarged the camera window used that to see what I wanted and Bob's your uncle
edited by foff47 on 10/03/2015
edited by foff47 on 10/03/2015
10/03/2015 18:37:28

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
We all find our own way through the program usually involves a lot of swearing, I find Good to hear you found a solution.
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Home ? How Do I ...? ? objects to move in a straight line.