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Home ? Your Videos ? Another new video with 'live backdrop'

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16/12/2015 03:04:42

Posts: 176
I'll probably try recapturing the backdrop footage again sometime, but here's the latest from Ned and Rocco!
16/12/2015 10:19:22

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
highly amusing dialogue
16/12/2015 16:43:36

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
nice mixture of real footage and animation!

Do you combine them in the MUVIZU environment? Or in a video editor?
16/12/2015 19:01:12

Posts: 176
Thanks guys! I use Muvizu for the animation, I use a tweaked version the greenscreen environment - (once I get it really sorted out I'll post my settings!) I then render it off as a lossless AVI and import it into Sony Vegas Pro.

I made a couple of mistakes with the background footage, in particular using a monopod as opposed to a tripod, that made it harder to sync up, I also didn't get the drop shadows I wanted due to framing issues - I had to adjust the keying to get rid of the overlap against the pale sky.

Oh well, I'll try and get some better footage over the holidays.
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Home ? Your Videos ? Another new video with 'live backdrop'